Author Topic: I Purchased Sapphire!  (Read 7941 times)

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #180 on: October 22, 2005, 06:22:43 AM »
Pressed or burned.They do make blank Silvertop disc cd-rs,long strategy,that can be labeled.Have any of you bought one to find out?Can anyone here provide pics of boths sides of the disc?
Very interested to see.
Also I find it funny that a noob only post on this one topic,like the fake Hudson guy,who worked for Hudson but had to use his brother for reference.This and the whole Patlabor and Blodia thing,lol,I still chuckle over that one.
Any noobs who post here look more like created alter egos then anything else.Thi swas a almost dead topic for the last couple weeks,then a noob post on it again,makes me wonder.

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #181 on: October 22, 2005, 06:26:37 AM »
Also in 2001 I did not expect Hudson to care about PcEngine.But back in 99 there could still have been slight interest,and this was the timeline those disc appeared,not 2k1.Alot of people in the Pcengine laseractive groups i have talked to have this copy,and picked it up in Japan,in late 99-to 2k.Remember games were pressed still in late 90ies,remember Dead "of" the Brain?

Emerald Rocker

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #182 on: October 22, 2005, 07:54:54 AM »
Dead of the Brain 1&2 was advertised and marketed to retailers --- that's a big difference.

Listen, I'm not gonna get back on the Sapphire part, but the Space Fantasy Zone story is well-documented across the internet.  Let's not even get into a pointless discussion of fake/real "prototype" on that one.

It's also a little silly to theorize that Ceph is an alternate account.  He explained how he found this thread... the same way that Fudoh found the thread.  That's all.  Three times now (once with me several pages ago, twice with Ceph just recently) you've tried to dismiss an intelligent voice of reason as "noob" or "alternate account".  You should stop doing that.
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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #183 on: October 22, 2005, 08:23:32 AM »
I doubt they're fake accounts,  it makes more sense that new people would stumble on this thread once in a while than for anybody here to start arguing again weeks after the thread has died.

Emerald Rocker

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #184 on: October 22, 2005, 08:38:22 AM »
Dude, is that avatar image a caveman's fossilized dildo?
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Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #185 on: October 22, 2005, 11:39:18 AM »
You missed the whole point,as I dont question the fakeness of the Phantasy Zone proto. I want to know if the disc being sold were pressed disc,or cd-rs labeled and packaged. That is why I asked if anyone bought one and could provide pics of both sides. Read my post better.
And yea it is funny a noob would "stumble" upon this thread,and only post on it,and nowhere else.

Emerald Rocker

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #186 on: October 22, 2005, 03:53:24 PM »
I guess I did miss the point, because I don't see the point in spending 30 thousand yen to see whether a fake was pressed or whether the fake was burned to CD-R.

Now back to the question at hand... GUTS, is that a fossilized dildo?
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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #187 on: October 22, 2005, 05:22:33 PM »
I wish, it's just some dude who had the AWESOME idea to make a sand penis instead of the ol generic sand castle.  Pure genius if you ask me.

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #188 on: October 22, 2005, 05:45:05 PM »
You dont see much of anything Emerald,you too busy gawking at the penis avatar.

Emerald Rocker

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #189 on: October 23, 2005, 08:06:13 AM »
I see reason; that's better than some people.

Kind of unrelated, but here's a cool article on why Rodimus Prime kicks Optimus's elderly ass:
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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #190 on: October 23, 2005, 10:52:21 AM »
Ok, that's random.  I still like Optimus better, though I'm deffinitly not a Rodimus hater.  BTW, I'm a Transformer nut, down to G1 all the way up to Cybertron, & everything inbetween.


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #191 on: October 23, 2005, 11:26:16 AM »
Yeah Optimus 4 lyf, Rodimus was a pansy.

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #192 on: October 23, 2005, 01:16:35 PM »
Yea,and when the space dust took hold of Hotrod/Rodimus,who saved the day????
Optimus Prime baby!!!!
Back from the dead and better then ever,and in full blaring mono audio with the crappy"You got the Touch,you got the power!!!! YEAAA!!!" tune.
Optimus Prime cured everyone with the Matrix of Leadership, I dont remember Rodimus doing that?
Optimus gave his life for the Autobots,did Rodimus?
Optimus put his life at risk many times over,has Rodimus?
No. Rodimus copped out,and because of this we got stuck seeing Grimlock grow a brain and build the Technobots,or Star Screams ghost,(thank god for Chris Latas voice still being there) making a lame appearence here or there trying to get a body back.
O and lets not forget the lame ass appearence of Cobra Comander in the future,helping terrorist fight the Autobots. I dont think Rodimus even saved the day then.
I always wished someone like Blitzwing or Astrotrain would just stomp him into the ground.
That or Devastator would just rip him limb from limb and send his left overs,after being mashed and smashed into paste,back to the junk planet for the Junkieons,or whatever they were called,Weird Al wannabies,to  try to fix.

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #193 on: October 23, 2005, 01:27:49 PM »
Rodimus was f*cking weak. Him and Mr.Ultra"I cant get the Matrix of Leadership to work"Magnus.
Screw both of them.
Optimus died saving the Autobots,twice.
UltraMagnus got fragged by Galvatron cause he was a dunce.
Not because he gave his life.
Rodimus was a pussy,who hid behind everyone.
When Ultra Magnus got snuffed,before being put back together,I laughed,thinking it was well deserved.
If Rodimus would have died,Id have cared less.
When Optimus died,mind you I was very young,I morned,cried even.
He meant the world.It totally sucked.I was so hurt as a little kid.I think takara,Hasbro and the animators should have been sued,because I remember alot of kids crying over this.It was total bullshit.
They should have never put us,as kids back then,trough all that emotional

Emerald Rocker

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #194 on: October 23, 2005, 02:08:12 PM »
I didn't cry.  Why cry over an idiot like Optimus Prime who forgot in the very first episode that he could fly?
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