Yea,and when the space dust took hold of Hotrod/Rodimus,who saved the day?

Optimus Prime baby!!!!
Back from the dead and better then ever,and in full blaring mono audio with the crappy"You got the Touch,you got the power!!!! YEAAA!!!" tune.
Optimus Prime cured everyone with the Matrix of Leadership, I dont remember Rodimus doing that?
Optimus gave his life for the Autobots,did Rodimus?
Optimus put his life at risk many times over,has Rodimus?
No. Rodimus copped out,and because of this we got stuck seeing Grimlock grow a brain and build the Technobots,or Star Screams ghost,(thank god for Chris Latas voice still being there) making a lame appearence here or there trying to get a body back.
O and lets not forget the lame ass appearence of Cobra Comander in the future,helping terrorist fight the Autobots. I dont think Rodimus even saved the day then.
I always wished someone like Blitzwing or Astrotrain would just stomp him into the ground.
That or Devastator would just rip him limb from limb and send his left overs,after being mashed and smashed into paste,back to the junk planet for the Junkieons,or whatever they were called,Weird Al wannabies,to try to fix.