Author Topic: I Purchased Sapphire!  (Read 7944 times)


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #225 on: October 27, 2005, 08:59:29 AM »
Cemetary Man was f*cking awesome, I had the hugest boner for that chick that was in it for ages (can't remember her name now, but she was ULTRA hot).


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #226 on: October 27, 2005, 09:30:48 AM »
I'll have to see Cemetary Man if you two liked it so much :)

I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch. Then he got the movie as soon as it was on video.

The funny thing is, I wouldn't have finished watching Naked Lunch if it weren't for the fact that my friend was giving me all the biographical / historical background on the dude who wrote it for the longest time. That's when I was a kid, I'd have to see it again to see if I feel the same way.

The same thing happened with the Ed Wood movie. Same friend got me to see all of Wood's movies and read some bios on him. I was psyched to see the Burton (?) film. Man, that movie was lame. If it weren't for all the biographical / historical info that I learned prior to seeing the movie, then I don't think I'd have finished watching it.
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Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #227 on: October 27, 2005, 12:50:17 PM »
I liked Ed Wood.I own it on laserdisc.Ed Wood was infact the essense of the movies he made.And it captured the timeline really well.


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #228 on: October 27, 2005, 01:32:52 PM »
Ha I liked Ed Wood, but mainly cause I'm a huge Depp fan.  As a movie it was ok, without Depp I probably wouldn't have liked it even though it was Burton movie (who I usually love minus Planet of the Apes, ugh).


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #229 on: October 27, 2005, 03:03:16 PM »
Quote from: "stevek666"

I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch.

lol WILLIAM S BURROUGHS  :shock:  :shock:

he's an amazing writer.  sorry this just made me laugh.

his books are great and he did some interesting work with popular musicians (peter hook and kurt cobain come to mind)
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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #230 on: October 27, 2005, 08:17:44 PM »
Quote from: "ElSeven"
Quote from: "stevek666"

I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch.

lol WILLIAM S BURROUGHS  :shock:  :shock:

he's an amazing writer.  sorry this just made me laugh.

his books are great and he did some interesting work with popular musicians (peter hook and kurt cobain come to mind)
hahahahaha. Well, all those folks are a blur to me now. Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs... they all worked together and helped each other. Kerouac and Ginsberg helped edit and revise bits and pieces of Ginsberg's stuff into what ultimately became Naked Lunch... so they deserve some credit too :). I was more into Kurt Vonnegut's stuff at the time, personally.

Quote from: "mike"
I liked Ed Wood.I own it on laserdisc.Ed Wood was infact the essense of the movies he made.And it captured the timeline really well.
Man, this movie just didn't do it for me. I often find documentaries on famous folks to be far more fascinating than dramatizations, and Ed Wood is a perfect example of this, for me. 9 times out of 10, I can't stand dramatizations... they just seem so hokey and don't do justice to their inspiration. Exceptions:  Mommy Dearest, some made-for-tv movie on Leona Helmsly (sp?) I saw years ago...

Quote from: "guts"
Ha I liked Ed Wood, but mainly cause I'm a huge Depp fan. As a movie it was ok, without Depp I probably wouldn't have liked it even though it was Burton movie (who I usually love minus Planet of the Apes, ugh).
Oh man, Burton did that Apes movie? I love Depp. I'll watch a film just for him, so I know what you're talking about. Except some horrible movie about in which he was an astronaut who came back to earth "different" (an alien invader?) -- and his wife is pregnant now. The concept is great (from an old Twilight Zone that has been recycled in at least one movie from the 70's)... but I've avoided the film.

EDIT: Astronaut's Wife? Something like that.
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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #231 on: October 27, 2005, 10:43:57 PM »
I actually REALLY liked Planet of the Apes, I before that, I HATED Marky Mark, just because he was a wack rapper, & would show off his muscles & crap like that.  But I thought he was alright in it.  I'm still waiting for the sequal, which'll never come I suppose :cry:

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #232 on: October 28, 2005, 01:27:24 PM »
Yea,Planet of the Apes was ok,but man I hate Markey Mark and his funk bunch acting.I loved that movie he was in where he was a psycho,and he does this awesome flip out of a window and gets killed.I often wish this would really happen to him for real,but I know its just hoping against hope.


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #233 on: October 28, 2005, 05:41:57 PM »
I used to call them Farky Fark & the Munkey Bunch.  Blech :P

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #234 on: November 15, 2005, 06:19:29 AM »
I have figured it out now,the true origin of this Sapphire! ! !
Call it a wild hunch,but I bet its real origin begins with Chris Ray and Dion Dakis the "Big Tymers".
What prob happened is after getting their asses bitch slapped around the NeoGeo world for being bootleggers of the worst kind,they moved out of the country,and started bootlegging oops,I meant "re-releasing" Blodia,Patlabor,and other games for the Pc Engine.Since they were new to the Pc Engine world,they didnt know nobody played Blodia and others of equally suckyness.Upon being informed of this by bad sales in Thailand,and China,they came across a copy of Sapphire,and because it reminded them so much of Blazing Star,they decided to do another "official" release like they did with Zupapa
and KOF 2000,and in the same manner decide to offer "correct" colored booklets,a real obi spine with "correct" colors,and "corect" Arcade symbol with out the silly dot pattern.They prob got "exclusive" rights to the game from Hudson,for European release,which would explain the appearence in Germany.
Where are they now you ask? ? ?
Prob doing all the packaging jobs and shipping for Bullseye Video Games,which would explain why you guys didnt get your stuff.

Michael Helgeson

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #235 on: November 15, 2005, 06:55:05 AM »
You never know....


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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #236 on: November 30, 2005, 03:01:18 PM »
ha ha ha ha

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #237 on: November 30, 2005, 03:53:04 PM »
I perfer the original  Planet of the Apes then the remake :P

Get your hands of,off me! You god damn dirty apes!

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Black Tiger

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #238 on: March 15, 2006, 02:50:46 PM »
I Purchased Sapphire!

For real. From Mindrec.

I couldn't pass up a deal that good and its not much more than I was paying for PC Engine games back in the day($230 for SFIICE + Kisado, $150 for Dracula X).

I just hope that it didn't sell within the last day and a half since I heard back from BT about it.

It looks like I'll probably get to buy a Neo Geo cabinet within the next few days as well. :D

I still want to get one of these "reprints" to play though.

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I Purchased Sapphire!
« Reply #239 on: March 15, 2006, 03:17:30 PM »
How long ago was 'back in the day'?! I only paid $80 COD for Dracula X back in '93.