Switzerland has a strong PCE community, unfortunately most of them french speaking, so at least ouf of my "range".
I'm not sure if this swiss link above really fits. care4data Benelux on the other hand sure seems like a giant cd/dvd reproduction facilty (care4data.be). Even if produced in Switzerland I've never before seen any being offerend from this side (Switzerland). Distributing them in Japan must have been no. 1 priority - with shops paying up to 30.000 yen for used ones in Tokyo not a bad idea.
I've seen people buying copies all over the years from japanese stores and it's always been either the "very original" or these ones. Also the article on this british videogame site from 2002 (also posted above) refers definitely to these (since I at least know who they got theirs from).
Well, nevertheless, I hope you feel good about these and don't feel ripped off at this pricing !!
I'm very pleased with this game. I think that we all knew perfectly what to expect and it's exceeded my expections.
One of the reasons I purchased it is simply because the mystery behind this version of the game really peaked my couriosity. Plus, I finally get to use that brand new Arcade Card Pro.
I just played the first few stages of the game, and it's VERY fun. Reminds me of a blend of Soldier Blade and Lords of Thunder. In fact, since the music was done by the same group (T's Music, I think) it's almost like hearing "Lords of Thunder Part 2".

In that sense, it's like a blend of two of the best PCE shooters ever made.
Thanks for the great item and very prompt shipping!