Author Topic: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference  (Read 4492 times)


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Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« on: September 18, 2009, 11:07:07 PM »
I learned a little html and put together this site to try to be a descent reference for TG-16 and Duo games.  I know its pretty plain but it should serve it's purpose.  I plan on keeping it updated as I get new stuff.  If you find any errors or issues with the site just send me a PM and I'll get them fixed.  There's no ads or any crap like that, just purely a reference to help those of us who are collectors/players.  Hope it can be of use.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 08:34:31 AM by RoyVegas »
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 12:00:43 AM »
Great job, Roy!
Self proclamed Aldynes World Champion

Emerald Rocker

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 05:31:21 PM »
How is this site intended to help me?  Serious question.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2009, 06:09:04 PM »
How is this site intended to help me?  Serious question.

Fair enough question.  Some people may not find it useful at all, where others might.  My thoughts were mainly on the collectors side.  When I started putting my collection together I realized there were alot of things that I was missing.  For instance I didn't know when I started that there were different versions of Ys I&II or what the differences between the two were, nor did I know there was a map for the retail version.  I didn't know there were two different versions of Champions Forever Boxing, the red and black versions.  It shows which games came with box & plastic insert vs. which games came with  boxes and jewel case.  It answers alot of questions that people may wonder as a collector.  It may not be helpful to people who know all of these things already however it would be helpful to people who would like a picture reference so they don't buy a game thinking its complete just to find out it's not.  I know myself as well as others have purchased a game thinking it's complete just to find out something was missing. 

Some people like loosies, where other people prefer to have as complete a collection as possible.  Hope that sheds some light on my intentions.

All is well. :)

Emerald Rocker

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2009, 06:14:00 PM »
Very interesting -- I see your point.  It's to help establish "100% genuine accuracy".  However, what if you buy something on eBay and the previous owner swapped the plastic insert out with a jewel case, or vice versa?  Also, you aren't mentioning which games came with "Turbo Gear" advertisements and stuff like that, which would be very important.  To be sure, I think you'll need to purchase your games new/shrink-wrapped.  Otherwise, unscrupulous sellers could pull a bait-and-switch with the insides.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2009, 06:29:56 PM »
However, what if you buy something on eBay and the previous owner swapped the plastic insert out with a jewel case, or vice versa? 
It does say which games came with plastic inserts and which came with jewel cases.

Also, you aren't mentioning which games came with "Turbo Gear" advertisements and stuff like that, which would be very important.  To be sure, I think you'll need to purchase your games new/shrink-wrapped.  Otherwise, unscrupulous sellers could pull a bait-and-switch with the insides.

I can't say that I plan on buying them all new/sealed just to open them to see what advertisements were inside.  I can happily add a disclaimer to the top of the site stating that the site does not show what advertisements were included in the original packaging if you feel that it's necessary.
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Emerald Rocker

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2009, 06:44:12 PM »
Your site says that Bomberman 93 came with a plastic insert.  However, it actually did come with a case.  When you bought the game, the seller swapped it out (probably to keep the case for himself).

So, your page is wrong.  And it could be wrong again in the future, since it's dependent on honest sellers.  Which is why to REALLY know for sure, you'd have to buy everything new.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2009, 06:51:15 PM »
Nice job Roy! I did something similar by compiling a spreadsheet checklist which included details of what extras were included with each title thereby making them "complete".
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2009, 07:04:02 PM »
Your site says that Bomberman 93 came with a plastic insert.  However, it actually did come with a case.  When you bought the game, the seller swapped it out (probably to keep the case for himself).

So, your page is wrong.  And it could be wrong again in the future, since it's dependent on honest sellers.  Which is why to REALLY know for sure, you'd have to buy everything new.

The research I have done depends not on the honesty of the sellers but the knowledge of the people on these forums.  Here is where I found the info on the games with inserts vs. cased games.  With the knowledge of the people on these forums and noone disagreeing with the fact that it came with a plastic insert (other than yourself) I believe it to be true.

My site definately could be wrong or missing something, that's why I said if you find any errors please let me know.
All is well. :)

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2009, 07:08:53 PM »
Some of the games on that list had multiple versions, though.  And even though most of it is right, it's still unconfirmed hearsay.

If the information is already common knowledge, then how is your site supposed to help?  Serious question.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2009, 07:29:24 PM »
Some of the games on that list had multiple versions, though.  And even though most of it is right, it's still unconfirmed hearsay.

Even if I were to buy every game sealed and open them and post the results it would still be unconfirmed hearsay since noone was here to verify the results with me.   If there was someone with me, the game could be a very good reseal which would also make the results of opening sealed games invalid.  I trust the people on these forums, if they say it came with a plastic insert I believe them.

If the information is already common knowledge, then how is your site supposed to help?  Serious question.

The information may be common to some people and not common to others.  If the site helps even one person with their collection then it was worth the work.
All is well. :)

Emerald Rocker

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2009, 07:34:46 PM »
Okay, so you're saying that we shouldn't trust your word.  I was giving you more credit than that, but I stand corrected.

Anyway -- instead of making a new site that's hard to find, why not just direct information-seekers to the forum thread?  It seems to me that the real purpose of the site is less to provide new information, and more to show off pictures of your collection.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2009, 07:42:11 PM »
Okay, so you're saying that we shouldn't trust your word.  I was giving you more credit than that, but I stand corrected.

Anyway -- instead of making a new site that's hard to find, why not just direct information-seekers to the forum thread?  It seems to me that the real purpose of the site is less to provide new information, and more to show off pictures of your collection.

Sorry you feel that way.  The site isn't meant to provide NEW information, it's meant to compile information for an easier reference (with pictures) then searching for games one by one on the forums.  Sorry you don't find it useful but some people might. 
All is well. :)

Emerald Rocker

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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2009, 07:46:41 PM »
Why would people need to search for games one-by-one?  They're all listed in the thread you linked.  It's a lot easier to read a list without the huge pictures, plus the forum list happens to be connected to... a forum and... a website... both of which contain a ton of other information.
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Re: Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo Collecting Reference
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2009, 07:59:42 PM »
Why would people need to search for games one-by-one?  They're all listed in the thread you linked.  It's a lot easier to read a list without the huge pictures, plus the forum list happens to be connected to... a forum and... a website... both of which contain a ton of other information.

It isn't just about cased vs. plastic insert games.  It's to show games with maps, notes, inserts, games that came just with a case vs. boxed, variations and things of that nature all in one easy place.  If you don't find it useful then by all means don't go there, it's not like I gain anything by anyone going or not going.  You've made your point, you don't find it useful for yourself.
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