Author Topic: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2  (Read 3199 times)

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2012, 04:33:15 AM »
Alright I just did a quick insertion for all the ADPCM clips for Lilia that ParanoiaDragon gave me (your wife did a great Lilia by the way!).
I did this so I can get an idea of how to go about syncing all the clips. I didn't bother with the two scene’s that had music playing in the background since it would be better to have all the dialogue for those scenes dubbed before doing any work on those. 

For the ADPCM extraction and insertion I’m sticking with the batch files I made for them back in 2010. They still use all of NightWolve’s address’s that he found but I organized them in a way that I feel comfortable working with (I made it dump the ADPCM clips into its own dedicated folder instead of just on the root of the folder, same for insertion), but that “YsIVSpeechMatchUp” text file that NightWolve included in the dub pack is the most useful thing on the planet! 

When I was syncing all the clips though I came across something strange. In scene 38 when your meeting with Lilia next to that tree there's about 7 seconds more duologue then there's supposed to. Essentially there's 7 seconds more Japanese voice then there is English in this scene and I'm wondering if the translation is just super summarized or if the guy doing the speech translation missed the last 7 seconds.

If someone here who knows Japanese can you go over these 7 seconds and tell me if there part of the already translated script or are they something the translator forgot?
Here's the translation for the scene...
38. Plain - Meeting with Lilia
Lilia:     "Adol!  My wish finally came true.  I hoped that if I waited under
           this tree, you'd come to see me....  I came here every day, believing
           it would happen.  I don't mean to hold you up.  As long as you're
           well, that's all I care about."

and here is the last 7 seconds as a MP3...
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:01:56 PM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2012, 06:43:34 AM »
Indeed, the clip you posted corresponds to the line "I don't mean to hold you up.  As long as you're well, that's all I care about."

Nothing is missing.


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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2012, 07:40:31 AM »
I'm glad you like my wife!......Ok, that sounds wrong :D  Anyways, how about you just slow down Lilia's voice so that it measures up to the 7 seconds?  Kidding.  I wonder if the scene can be hacked to shorten it perhaps? :-k

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2012, 08:01:39 AM »
Nothing is missing.
Well...dang it.
This makes more worried that there's more scene's like this, in which case we would have to just make up something to say to fill in the remaining time.
I'll figure something out, let’s hope these scenes are not to prevalent.
I wonder if the scene can be hacked to shorten it perhaps? :-k
I would imagine this being very difficult and I wouldn't know how to go about doing this.
Its probably better off padding the remaining 7secs with something along the lines of "do be very careful" or "do try to be safe on your journey though". 
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 12:12:13 PM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2012, 12:13:32 PM »
Nothing is missing.
Well...dang it.
This makes more worried that there's more scene's like this, in which case we would have to just make up something to say to fill in the remaining time.
I'll figure something out, let’s hope these scenes are not to prevalent.
I wonder if the scene can be hacked to shorten it perhaps? :-k
I would imagine this being very difficult and I wouldn't know how to go about doing this.
Its probably better off padding the remaining 7secs with something along the lines of "do be very careful" or "do try to be safe on your journey though". 

I was thinking of filling it with lot's of grunts & groan's but, you're idea sounds more down to earth I guess.

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2012, 09:16:12 AM »
Nightwolve has a Facebook acct.  I do as well, if someone wants me to contact them.
Sorry about the late reply.
If you can contact him for me that would be great. Basically tell him that I've been trying to get in contact with him about reviving the YsIV dub and I would like to know all the things he accomplished for it before canning it, and then give him my email to replay to.
I'll send you a PM with Justus Johnston's FaceBook URL and my email.
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2012, 11:55:00 AM »
Justus needs to be served! :D
Heh-heh. Very clever, bud. You gave me a little chuckle with that one there. ;)

I'm glad you like my wife!......Ok, that sounds wrong :D
I like her too!! :wink: Not at much as Karna, though...

but that “YsIVSpeechMatchUp” text file that NightWolve included in the dub pack is the most useful thing on the planet!
Yeah, just note that it's unfinished and to match it up with the full speech file takes a little effort since he didn't quite translate the lines the same... Somebody's gotta find a Japanese/English speaker, someone that can understand spoken words which wasn't the case with that translator. He had obtained transcribed text from a Japanese website and used WWWJDIC (online translation software), which is how the translated speech file came about (as well as all of his translations for that matter). Anyway, I trust it's all in good hands now.

Thanks to: bernie, Necromancer, incrediblehark, The Old Rover, Mishran, esteban ! And you're very welcome! I appreciate the support, minor or not! You know it's rare to actually get a "thank you" now and then. The Ys fanbase is 99% cheapskate, spoiled rotten, thankless, etc. among other things. If you take money off the table and merely examine the act of firing off an email just to say "Hey, thanks for the patch man!", that occurrence after 10 years is also a fraction of 1% out of ~60,000+ Ys patch consumers... They're just as lazy/thankless as they are cheap... You'd be surprised! I wanna write an op-ed in the future about that actually. I have 5 years of data from when I was professional and 5 years after the Felghana patch was leaked and the "war on warez" began, a sort of open a$$hole grudge war where warez adversaries of mine use forums to make personal attacks, lie about me, float threats of extortion, etc. and conversely, I get to call them butt-pirates on my site. ;) But basically, what I learned is that with 5 years of being a professional, and 5 years of being an a$$hole, it doesn't make much of a difference: the freeloading rate winds up at 99% in the end... I have to make that point because of the revising of history that's taken place where they've essentially portrayed themselves as poor little victims and that maybe if I was nicer to people, I would have more donations to show for it (they forget the first 5 years of productivity and leading up to the Felghana patch). Does NOT make a difference, a cheap-ass, non-tipping, gaming a$$hole will find whatever excuse that's available. I even get the occasional emails, "I was just about to donate, but I was waiting for a fully completed Felghana patch. Honest to God!! Why would I donate for the incomplete one??" - they think I'm stupid enough to fall for that, like there's a whole bunch of 'em just waiting to give me their money if I do this one thing when there was 5 years of data/statistics prior to that telling me exactly what their behavior would be... Heh-heh, they're hilarious sometimes.

Suffice to say, I hate Ys F.A.N.s (Freeloading. a$$hole. Nerds.) with a passion!!! =) You would think, intuitively, that if you do great work, are helpful, professional/courteous, that you'll be rewarded in kind, but that is not the reality so I ended that approach back in '07 with the Felghana leak - After that, there was no point to remain civil, I get to tell the a$$holes exactly what they are and what I think of 'em... Fair enough tradeoff. That reminds me, I think I also wanna make a general advice article to fan translation teams. Warnings about this (don't expect much donations, if ever, assuming you care) and about how to be careful with the openness in your software, teammates, etc. should something like XSEED come along; you must never trust anyone, not even the person next to you no matter how many years you might've worked with him/her. Getting f*cked over is the default. I've gotten excised from crediting plenty of times, by regular a$$holes, nevermind a professional videogame publisher.
/end rant

Anyway, I think that's why I like the NEC boards. To know and participate in NEC related stuff is to be in your upper 20's and mid 30's. It gets you away from the PC juvenile, teenage, warez punk crowd which dominate most forums and have most of the attitude, ignorant spunk problems, etc.

P.S. BL, I tried your Dracula X dubbing work playing through with Richter. That was fun! For a second, I forgot that you took material from the PSP version and was like, oh wow, they did a great job here... Then I remembered it was professionals hired by Konami, duh. But anyway, now I gotta beat it again with Maria.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:49:49 PM by NightWolve »

Keith Courage

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2012, 01:18:31 PM »
You should just sample in a fart for the exact amount of seconds the dead space lasts for in the audio translations    :twisted:


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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2012, 01:22:42 PM »
You should just sample in a fart for the exact amount of seconds the dead space lasts for in the audio translations    :twisted:

lol.  Thats some funny shit right there, and if it were me, I would do it.

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2012, 01:26:21 PM »
Yeah, just note that it's unfinished and to match it up with the full speech file takes a little effort since he didn't quite translate the lines the same...
I was afraid of that.
This is only really going to be an issue though for scenes that require lip syncing, and if I’m remember correctly those are not the most prevalent things in the game.
P.S. BL, I tried your Dracula X dubbing work playing through with Richter. That was fun! For a second, I forgot that you took material from the PSP version and was like, oh wow, they did a great job here... Then I remembered it was professionals hired by Konami, duh. But anyway, now I gotta beat it again with Maria.
Glad you liked it :)
I originally intended on organizing a dub for Rondo of Blood back when I kick start this project back up in early 2010. That changed though when I realized Konami had already done the job. It definitely feels like an authentic 90's dub (which I like).

You should just sample in a fart for the exact amount of seconds the dead space lasts for in the audio translations    :twisted:
Good idea! I'll get right on it :wink:
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2012, 11:26:50 AM »
No problem Nightwolve! I remember when the translation was done way back and there was talk of a dubbing, I'd check back to your site from time to time but then I think it went down? Anyway I was out of the loop for a couple of years. Good to see you're still around, and bitter, angry a$$hole or not :P you do excellent work and its definitely appreciated!


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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2012, 10:57:39 PM »
Suffice to say, I hate Ys F.A.N.s (Freeloading. a$$hole. Nerds.) with a passion!!! =) You would think, intuitively, that if you do great work, are helpful, professional/courteous, that you'll be rewarded in kind, but that is not the reality so I ended that approach back in '07 with the Felghana leak - After that, there was no point to remain civil, I get to tell the a$$holes exactly what they are and what I think of 'em... Fair enough tradeoff. That reminds me, I think I also wanna make a general advice article to fan translation teams. Warnings about this (don't expect much donations, if ever, assuming you care) and about how to be careful with the openness in your software, teammates, etc. should something like XSEED come along; you must never trust anyone, not even the person next to you no matter how many years you might've worked with him/her. Getting f*cked over is the default. I've gotten excised from crediting plenty of times, by regular a$$holes, nevermind a professional videogame publisher.
/end rant

Ha! Although I wish you never had to go through any of this garbage in the first place, I certainly enjoy reading your rants. They are passionate (I mean this in a good way). :)

Anyway, what are you doing these days? What captures your interest and time?

Back on topic: has anyone made a video of the final product for folks like me? I'm very curious to see how it turned out! Thanks in advance  
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 10:59:56 PM by esteban »
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2012, 08:20:41 AM »
I agree with Nightwolve about being careful *who* you work with on things like this. I wouldn't want to see this turn out like the old Megaman Vengeance project that DES worked so hard on that someone leaked just because of some hard feelings or because someone thought that it would okay to let somebody take a peek.
You can never be *too* careful.

As for finding someone to help out with your translation situation. Someone does spring to mind but, his old website is gone, I haven't seen him around in years and I honestly don't know what he's doing now but, I did manage to find what appears to be two different e-mail address if anyone wants to try contacting him.

I don't know how much Japanese he may know or be able to speak if any but, I remember that long ago he claimed to be a foreign exchange student, living in Japan and he *loves* everything PC-Engine so, there may be a slim chance at least provided anyone can get in touch with him.

Here are the E-Mails I found... 

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2012, 05:03:24 AM »
As for finding someone to help out with your translation situation.

I don't think I'm going need a new translation. I'll see how things fly with just making minor modifications to the script when need be.
*minor update*
As for Justus Johnston he still hasn't replied to any of my attempts at contacting him. Either he's just ignoring me or he’s dead...
I will probably just have to start from scratch (excluding the dub kit and ParanoiaDragon's tracks). Hoping to start some auditions soon (crossing my fingers for sometime in February) so everyone get your voices ready :wink:

I'll leave you with this clip that basically sums up how I felt when trying to get in contact with Justus.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 02:08:21 PM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: Ys IV Dubbing Project: Take 2
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2012, 05:04:58 AM »
Yeah, he never responded to my message to him either man.  Sorry, least we tried.  :)