NOTE: For those who want to see the hottie with, literally, nothing on,
your fantasy has been granted. Enjoy!
NOTE NOTE: Goddamn it, you know you can't get enough. Here, satiate your ravenous appetite at the
Ultrabox Mini Site. Yes, there is a VIDEO, too! Don't thank me, thank sunteam_paul.
NOTE NOTE NOTE: The folks at Victor Musical were pioneers in multimedia products. Furthermore, "Ultrabox" was not simply a figurative, but also a literal description of the multimedia experience offered to PC-Engine enthusiasts.
ADDENDUMB: I don't think I have to tell you how I voted. IMHO, she's a perfect ten, on a 5-point Likert scale. Plus, I melt at the sight of purple earrings.
By "sealed", I mean "there is no contest." But, fret not, my friend. You have already been rewarded (haven't you?) with a pure, unadulterated feast for the eyes. As a consolation, I am willing to send folks crayon-colored pictures of Bonk, though. Just request it in the thread and PM your mailing address.