Author Topic: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!  (Read 7161 times)


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #150 on: May 17, 2010, 02:05:35 PM »
I'd like to set the record straight concerning Emerald Rocker's subtle jabs and the real behind the scenes at Frozen Utopia.

As far as any of us at Frozen Utopia are concerned and at this current state of development, there is no stolen material in our products. Emerald has been repeating jabs mentioning the Rolling Stones. Yes we did technically have a Rolling Stones song in Mysterious Song, which was in the original PC version as the town song. It's a sped up version of "As The Tears Go By" with different instruments. None of us were even aware of this until Seldane/FM-77 brought it to our attention around the first beta testing phase in Summer 2007. We didn't see a problem with it at the time since it was remixed and not identical. Besides Japanese developers have gotten away many times by "borrowing" material, such as when had a song awfully familar to Robert Miles . Better yet, how about Breath of Fire III track? Ring any bells to a popular SNES RPG before it? :)

The fact is that the original designer, coder, and composer of Mysterious Song was a Stones fan and likely made the song as a tribute. Afterall, he did name the song "Tears"  :o . But even if that weren't enough, our main musician Paranoia_Dragon already started working on a new replacement track after we got feedback from Arkhan that a lot of people at CCAG Show recognized the Stones reference while demoing the game. This also resulted in us replacing another track that we didn't realize was taken from something else.

Whenever problems like this arrive to our knowledge at Frozen Utopia, we take care of it privately in a mature manner. Emerald_Rocker could've been respectful and brought this to our attention privately, but instead he chose to make a subtle jab about it which provoked arguing.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #151 on: May 17, 2010, 02:14:22 PM »
I see. Oh well, the genre in itself (rpg or action rpg) isn't that important to me. What I'm interested in is the mood set by the game and the characters designs. By saying "3 disks" I was rather thinking about the quantity of cutscenes/sounds included into the game.

I "think" the possible 3 disc game is one of my projects I started ideas on, & that lord_cack & I have bounced idea's around on, though, it's been awhile since we've worked on that, since it's still quite far away from being in true development.  We've got too many other games in the pipeline ahead of it at the moment, but, it might be quite a large game.

Also, Dawn of Ys very directly made a version of an Yngwei Malmsteen song, I think it was called Far Beyond the Sun.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 02:15:55 PM by ParanoiaDragon »


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #152 on: May 17, 2010, 02:23:33 PM »
Either way, I think there are a couple of things for certain, there are people getting there information a little too close to the source. Especially considering they aren't part of the source. Also, the community has, A. wasted enough time with this mudslinging, B.Has been very patient while this sorts itself out, and C.The community is gonna get two (atleast) great (lets be careful here.... great in My opinion) games in the (hopefully near)future.  :D

By the way, Level Design for the Demo of Jungle Bros. is almost complete. Now we just need to work out the Game Engine we are ready to roll (no date as of yet....).
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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #153 on: May 17, 2010, 02:26:37 PM »
Actually, about the 3 disc game, it was Nodtveidt's project. He told me about it a couple of months ago on another forum.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 02:33:09 PM by Arm »


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #154 on: May 17, 2010, 02:40:59 PM »
get two (atleast) great (lets be careful here.... great in My opinion) games in the (hopefully near)future.  :D

Three if you count Aetherbyte in!

well, more like, uh.. about 8 games since its a compilation disc, lol.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #155 on: May 17, 2010, 02:46:08 PM »
Actually, about the 3 disc game, it was Nodtveidt's project. He told me about it a couple of months ago on another forum.
Wrath of Sona?
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #156 on: May 17, 2010, 02:46:28 PM »
get two (atleast) great (lets be careful here.... great in My opinion) games in the (hopefully near)future.  :D

Three if you count Aetherbyte in!

well, more like, uh.. about 8 games since its a compilation disc, lol.

So very true.... I can't wait....
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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #157 on: May 17, 2010, 02:54:11 PM »

"The more they talk trash about us within their little clique, the more we laugh at their own inability to produce anything worthwhile of their own aside from biased websites thrown together in a few minutes with a website generator or a pre-made CMS."

Now see this IMO seems just as "cliquey/L33T" as the people that are "talking shit."  This thinking you are Z"better/cooler" becsue you guys are devs is pathetic at best.   I have no ill will toward the game, or crew...hell I've known at least most of you for some time.  Yet when people come on complaining "people taking jabs", and shit talking by others , and the offended party turns around and does the EXACT SAME THING that's helping fan/reignite the drama/BS that is supposedly loathed, and looked down on.  There has been regular shit talking/over dramatization in shout which seems, by more than a few peeps, is being done "just to prove a point"..."rub it in"..."intentionally annoy"...whatever.  This isn't just a small select "clique" either, it has been mentioned by a wide variety of people.  SO just as that "clique" doesn't hold the voice of the entire community, neither do es the homebrew community, that by various comments seem to look down on  those who aren't skilled in coding, etc.  There have been comments made about how "this is why people leave the PCE coding community"..etc., etc.   Funny one coder left in a large part because of INFIGHTING between coders (which was played off as more for the "shitty attitudes of some of the community" than anything).  People can claim that others avoid this site/doing hombrew for PCE because of the attitudes by certain members...those attitudes are also mirrored here.  No matter what the criticism has been (even when not "mean/rude/etc") there have been complaints made about it... yet those SAME people can bash other devs work in other communities, and that's seems to be ok.

So in conclusion..the double standards are just as old as the shit talking.  Unless people wanna delve into the "they started it" 3rd grade crap this has been a 2 way street for many. There has been shit flinging on both sides..ok for some, not others  (mind you some of this has occured before the more recent it''s not all new).
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 03:49:46 AM by nectarsis »
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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #158 on: May 17, 2010, 02:57:31 PM »
Actually, about the 3 disc game, it was Nodtveidt's project. He told me about it a couple of months ago on another forum.
Wrath of Sona?

He didn't tell me the title of the game.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 02:59:48 PM by Arm »


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #159 on: May 17, 2010, 03:24:31 PM »
I know I have plans (in the distant.... DISTANT)future for an action/RPG that would have had 2 Discs. One would be the main story, one would be a side story that the main character could access. Sort of like an entirely new game that had branched off in the middle of the game, then you could return to the main game after you completed the side story. It would be pretty interesting.
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #160 on: May 17, 2010, 06:38:50 PM »
nectarsis is right. There has always been a lot of shit flinging from both sides, and honestly, I'm sick of it, both seeing it come my way and sending it from my way. I'm not gonna speak for anyone other than me. I'm all for burying the long as it stays buried this time. There's no real need for it from either side, and really, it just creates a "which side are you on" mentality that helps nobody.

Arm, Keranu is correct on the title, although I'm not sure the game will ever be made as it is quite possibly too complex for our poor little PCE. There might be a way, if I strip out some of the more complex features...but that would probably ruin the game as well. It's a far-future project if it does get done though, so time will tell.


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #161 on: May 18, 2010, 03:41:58 AM »
Man.  This is completely ridiculous.

Rove man, I gotta say- I love you- but I gotta call it as I see it.  It's always been something- since I've been a member here there's been something going on with EBay, Paypal, problems with money, etc.  Now you're saying you can't refund anyone.  You mentioned you'd refund people on the Frozen Utopia site- said there'd be a refund option on the site-which never showed up (now the main Frozen Utopia site- the one you ran- is gone).  Returning people their money was never a priority and don't bullshit us by saying it ever was- I think most of us here have swallowed enough bullshit.  It's time for some clarity. 

Rove- a LOT of us here have problems we're coping with.  Yeah- you've been dealing with a full plate- all the more reason to have NEVER STARTING ACCEPTING PREORDER MONEY to begin with.  We've been through this whole shit with Dean already on this site- he had a lot of problems going on- and after a shitstorm, people not receiving their systems back and crap communication and response time- there was an apology to the tune of I-never-should-have-taken-the-work-with-all-that-was-going-on-in-my-life-at-the-moment.  and THIS is the song you should be singing.  Enough with the excuses.  We've ALL got problems.  Enough with the mud throwing from this Arkhan idiot who thinks that the "homebrew community" is above reproach.  Enough with blaming paypal, blaming life, blaming everything and everyone but yourself.  It's way past tired by now.

As far as this "homebrew community" goes that you guys get so uppity about- like this Lord Cack idiot crying that no one has any right to talk about his secret projects, and Arkhan saying that people with valid beefs are "hating" on the "community"-  NEWSFLASH: THERE IS NO TURBO HOMEBREW COMMUNITY.  Let's be REAL here for a second.  What has this highly vaulted homebew community produced- the way it's talked up in such revered tones?  A falling bricker with a twist (the bricks fall UP instead of down!), a version of Atari's Asteroids and a lackluster Berzerk clone- none of which bring anything new to the world of gaming- none of which bring many more ideas past the Atari age- none of which get the blood pumping.  As for Mysterious song- it's a computer game conversion that was supposed to be released 6+ years ago.  Sorry man- just telling it like it is.  I'll tell you what- when MindRec releases Xymati and or the Run n' Gunner- then you have a "homebrew scene".  Until then guys- what's been put out isn't anything to act like rock stars about- and I'm especially talking to you Arkhan.  This guy acts like he's the mouthpiece of some covert group of celebrities and talks to everyone else like any valid beef like some poor sap's nonrefundable cash is merely pissing and moaning by petty mortals.  I'm sick of it.  NEWSFLASH: Arkhan- you're really not that special.  You're just some guy who digitally created some bullshit girlfriend by morphing Rainbow Brite and a 8 year old Japanese chick, you're just some guy who himself wishes he was a girl- wearing purses and tight pants and using a Cyndi Lauper avatar because that's who you wish you truly were- even your "Insanity" character is bizarrely androgynous...  You haven't been laid, if ever, since Christ was a pup- and now here you are overcompensating for your life-fail by acting like you're the Captain of the ship of Tomorrow Land all because you slapped together some weaksauce Berzerk clone (with choice of either white or black casing!) as if none of us here have ever done anything as remotely "cool" as that.  Get over yourself dude. 

You know it's funny- I remember that it was supposedly always me and Mike Helgeson that were the upstarts- the problem childs.  Well- Mike's been gone for awhile- and I rarely come here anymore- and not only does the shit keep going on- but it's uglier and stupider than ever and it's coming from the opposite end of the camp.  No one's allowed to say anything.  No mere mortal can question that giant pillar of forward thought -- that which is THE HOMEBREW COMMUNITY.  Tell you what- if this is the way you guys are gonna act- like snooty rockstars unable to handle blame, diving down anyone's throat who has a valid concern -- over the pitiful product you've already put out and over the looooong delayed product you're still promising- then yeah-  Consider me someone who no longer gives a shit- consider me someone non-supportive of the cause.  Cry about me.  Ban me.  Call me a hater. 

Let me know when a real turbografx homebrew scene finally comes along.  Until then- f*ck you all very much.

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atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #162 on: May 18, 2010, 06:54:33 AM »
On the other hand, this discussion has deteriorated to petty argument between two parties (you know who you are) who don't even have the slightest thing to do with the situation. Further posts on the subject will be deleted and/or the thread locked.

All is well. :)


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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #163 on: May 18, 2010, 06:56:24 AM »
On the other hand, this discussion has deteriorated to petty argument between two parties (you know who you are) who don't even have the slightest thing to do with the situation. Further posts on the subject will be deleted and/or the thread locked.


That was aimed mainly at Ark and myself argument which has long since been done :P
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Re: Mysterious Song Pre-Orders Are Open!
« Reply #164 on: May 18, 2010, 07:05:03 AM »
Nah I know Nec, I just think this shits getting stupid.  Sure people have valid concerns about their money and when the game will actually be released but is all this childish shit necessary?  It's one thing to bring up valid concerns but seriously what's the point in comments like these?

You're just some guy who digitally created some bullshit girlfriend by morphing Rainbow Brite and a 8 year old Japanese chick, you're just some guy who himself wishes he was a girl- wearing purses and tight pants and using a Cyndi Lauper avatar because that's who you wish you truly were- even your "Insanity" character is bizarrely androgynous...  You haven't been laid, if ever, since Christ was a pup- and now here you are overcompensating for your life-fail by acting like you're the Captain of the ship of Tomorrow Land all because you slapped together some weaksauce Berzerk clone (with choice of either white or black casing!) as if none of us here have ever done anything as remotely "cool" as that.  Get over yourself dude. 

Seriously, it's like this discussion should be moved to either Fighting Street or a the kindergarden playground.  Jesus!
All is well. :)