Those are the same people who called HuCards "Turbochips". So which is it, a card or a chip? 
You could be opening a major, major can of worms here black tiger...
But in all seriousness, TurboChipsTM is just a trademarked name that has nothing to do with the actual functionality of the game media. Clearly, the games are cards ("game cards"), which is why there is no such thing as a "system cart 3.0" for either turbografx or pcengine...
They also call CDs "ROM ROM's", but they're still the same medium as a CD.
This is a point I'm willing to concede. Even the Japanese Hudson girl you hear when you play a japanese game in a cd player says "CD-Rom disku desu", so "CD ROM-ROM" has about as much technical relevance as "Turbochip". Both are just marketing devices.
Quite creative marketing devices, I might add.
Folks, you are missing the point.
All I have to say can be summed up as follows:
CD-ROM2Respect the power of exponents, especially when it comes to the PCE!
Math is fun, as Takahashi Meijin would always say.