What is Google wave and why do I need to be invited?
Oh, it's hard to explain. In it's basic form it sort of like email and chat mixed together. You just drop people into an email/wave and it's sort of like a real slow IRC. However there tons of programs and things you can embed into a wave. You can post most any content in a wave. Videos, games, random funny stuff, probably some useful stuff too.
I always like playing with the latest stuff even if it sucks. ;-)
I think the "invite" thing is because it isn't even in beta yet. So they want to be able to control how many people are on there right now so they don't blow up the servers and things, as a lot of stuff if probably pretty server intensive.
Anyway, for a while there were not a lot of invites. So I just thought I'd post this in case there were people that were waiting for an invite from Google or something. But, I don't think they are as hard to come by at this point, but I just thought I'd throw this out there for people.