Folks, you are probably aware of my passion for JJ & Jeff (and Kato & Ken) these past few years. You may also recall that I thought this game was merely mediocre 20 years ago.
UPDATE: I added images from each performance to lure more folks into watching these fantastic videos. Enjoy.
Takeaki Kunimoto (he composed all these songs!!) and Ken Matsuzawa (me).
These are old game music from "J.J. & Jeff".
Title~Stage1~Sea scene~Night scene(カトちゃん&ケンちゃん / J.J. & Jeff)
HIGHLIGHTS:02:20 -- New vocal arrangement!
05:18 -- The best goddamn rendition of "Night Scene" you'll ever hear (or see)...
---> Takeaki uses a FRIGGIN' Diamonica (a melodica with a tube attached to the mouthpiece...I suppose this made it more comfortable to play). I used to play the melodica when I was a was totally fun.
Unfortunately, this video isn't as great as the previous. Nonetheless, it has at least one nugget of goodness:
03:00 -- a
fantastically slow and moody 30-second intro that segues into the familiar harpsichord-laden sewer tune. Goddamn, it makes me cry. This track ends abruptly, IMO.
NOTE: You may not appreciate these videos. You will probably listen to 10 seconds and say "meh". Whatever. JJ & Jeff friggin' rule. And the music, with it's neo-Baroque-harpsichord-meets-lounge-act-organ goodness, is fantastic. Give it a chance, you goddamn jaded bastards. Give it a friggin' chance.
To celebrate the 20 year anniversary of obtaining JJ & Jeff for free from Electronics Boutique (a story for another day), I would like to share the following goodies with you: