Bomberman '93 is still my favorite Bomberman game.
Aeroblasters is awesome as a one player game, but you need a competant partner to finish it without running out of continues.
My girlfiend liked goofing around in Bonk 3's2 player mode, but was pretty much just dragging behind me most of the time. I think that it'd be fun with a partner skilled in the game/series.
Street Fighter II CE is my all-time favorite fighting game(I have an original model dedicated cabinet) and the PCE rev is my favorite version to play, even over the arcade, if for no other reason than because I played it so much back in the day and to a lesser extent to this day. I can play as fast as anyone using the 2 button pads, switching between punches & kicks with the Select button. Anyone who says this ruins the game hasn't really played it.
Motoroader is right up there with Bomberman for me. Back in the day, a couple of friends(and often my lil' bro) and I would play it and/or Bomberman(and later '93 & SFII) everyday at my place during lunch in high school. Everyone got so worked up over these games and were screaming and trash talking each other. When one guy in particluar was about to lose, he'd always hit Run + Select to reset the game.