For some reason I would love to hear some horror stories from those who voted "no"
Well, here's a story from someone who voted "sometimes"...
I have really nice CRT televisions (Sony, 19", 27", 25") and I want to keep one in the house for the older consoles. The problem, of course, is that we have upgraded to new plasma/lcd televisions, and there really isn't any room for a big old ugly CRT. So, I was keeping the 27" in a closet in the guest room, which was great, until our guests needed to use the closet... so my wife moved all the tv's to the garage.
It is cold in the garage.
So I've been using an LCD tv to play games for the past few months.
SOLUTION: I'm going to get a rolling cart for the 27" CRT, clean out my own closet, and store the tv in my closet. To make things even sweeter, I am going to install speakers + subwoofer on the cart. Of course, I'll lose some room in my closet, but, honestly, I was being really inefficient with the space anyway.
Now, how long will it take me to clean out my closet and put my plan in action? Hmmmmmmmm....