ASIDE: The typing tutor! I had forgotten about that. You don't even know how perfect the timing is...I want my daughter to practice typing...what better way than this? Well...Typing of the Dead, I suppose. .
Seriously, though, I think she will love this.
Also, I bet she will have to kick me off her laptop and tell me to get my own computer to play this.
You know, "Typing of the Dead" is one that always gets brought up when the "Ys Typing Tutor" (Typing of Ys) is mentioned. There are so few of these typing games I guess and that's what helped make it so popular. It's not installed every day around the world like
the patches for Felghana, Ys I&II Complete are, but it gets around weekly, it's popular enough.
What version of Windows do you have BTW ?? Interested to know if it works on Windows 7/8, 64-bit or otherwise. Might as well go ahead and grab the current one then for testing since I'll be changing things around a bit for the newer one to "honor"
XSEED Games and other a$$holes.
I do hate that a level of negative will have to be introduced, but in waging a PR war as I promised Thomas Lipschultz, I'm gonna use whatever I can (all of my software/releases)... I promised him and B.J.DeuceBag that they weren't gonna get away with how they conducted business with the 4 translated scripts in question, and I aim to keep that promise, for better or worse.