Author Topic: what could have been.....  (Read 953 times)


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2010, 01:45:41 PM »
@ Kattare - Nothing personal BTW.  I kinda feel bad that my sarcasm may be indirectly defamatory to you.  I have two goals in this forum.  1) make people spit milk out their nose with my clever banter and rapier wit - Still waiting for this to happen.  Although one unconfirmed rumor was that Esteban spit beer out his nose while reading one of my posts.  Funny thing is he was drinking diet coke at the time, so I'm not claiming that one.  2) Sarcastic Dead Horse Beating - I try to get every mile, inch, and millimeter out of what ever topic is bothering the community.  Sorry man, my sarcasm might be a bit 'too soon' on this one.

So, back to this whole regret about not getting the system mentioned in this post.


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2010, 09:21:19 PM »
wow, holy crap!!! that's a nutso deal.


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2010, 04:41:20 AM »
Noone claimed he was innocent, he clearly stated his intentions.  My analogy with the puppy was poor (as puppies would be considered innocent I guess).

Poor analogy indeed; there's really no other way to interpret 'kicking a puppy' (they must be innocent, for even when they're naughty, they're too young to know any better).  Well, I suppose there was one other way to interpret it, based on funny auto-correct errors, but that interpretation wouldn't really fit the context at all.

My intention was to insinuate that some people just enjoy conflict on here.  I never shy away from conflict myself, but I tend to do it more defensively then offensively.

Conflict can indeed be fun; a fun you also seem to enjoy, else you wouldn't have jumped into this discussion.  Hypocrisy?  No, never; them's fightin' words!

Of course I don't expect you to hold your tongue.  It's your right to voice your opinion, that's what forums are for right?  There is however a difference between having a civil discussion, voicing your opinion and turning things into a pissing match.  Examples are in your heartfelt and caring reply that says I'm whining, hypocritical and my statements are foolish.

Oh, yeah, you got me; these discussions are positively dripping with vitriol and those words are truly harsh.  :roll:

Besides, you are whining every time you bitch about people being mean around here, and you are a hypocrite regarding kattare being called out as a price gouger (see below).  As for 'your statements being foolish', go back an reread that sentence; I clearly stated that it was foolish to label kattare as wholly innocent, which was what your poor choice of words seemed to be saying. 
As far as me starting the thread?  That guy was charging more than 10 times the going rate.  Kattare may have been over pricing sure but I wouldn't group him with the guy I started the thread over.

One case may be more extreme than the other, but it's still price gouging (to which kattare agreed); so yes, you are indeed being a hypocrite.
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2010, 06:47:57 AM »
Besides, you are whining every time you bitch about people being mean around here

I disagree.  I consider them observations that some people around here are needlessly aggressive in their posting.  Just like your observations that people are gouging.  Are they observations you're making or are you just whining and bitching also?

and you are a hypocrite regarding kattare being called out as a price gouger (see below).
One case may be more extreme than the other, but it's still price gouging (to which kattare agreed); so yes, you are indeed being a hypocrite.

So you're stating that there is no difference in gouging based on it's level of extremeness?  Lets throw out a fun example:

Lets say the perceived value of a complete Keith Courage is $5.  Lets also say that I am selling my Keith Courage for $6.  Lastly lets say that YOU are selling your copy of Keith Courage for $700.  So my markup is $1 over perceived value and yours is $695 over perceived value.  You think that should be equally considered gouging?  I personally see them on two very different levels.

Anyway, my original point was more to the fact that people post aggressively, not that he wasn't gouging.

However this has gone way off topic for this thread.  If you wish to continue the discussion with me, how about you continue it in either fighting street or chit chat as I don't wish to derail this one anymore?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 07:02:36 AM by RoyVegas »
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2010, 10:37:04 AM »
I disagree.  I consider them observations that some people around here are needlessly aggressive in their posting.  Just like your observations that people are gouging.  Are they observations you're making or are you just whining and bitching also?

whine (verb) - to complain in a peevish, self-pitying way

I'm definitely complaining, it does annoy me, and it doesn't affect the world at large (just me and the rest of this tiny community), so I guess that I am whining and bitching.  I'm okay with that label.

So you're stating that there is no difference in gouging based on it's level of extremeness?

I made it pretty clear that I do see a difference:

One case may be more extreme than the other, but it's still price gouging...

In other words: either it's gouging or it's not.  Three times the going price is gouging; not as bad as ten times the price, but gouging nonetheless.

However this has gone way off topic for this thread.  If you wish to continue the discussion with me, how about you continue it in either fighting street or chit chat as I don't wish to derail this one anymore?

Why bother?  This thread doesn't really have anywhere to go anyway..... except here:

Who got this sweet deal?  Here's a breakdown for posterity's sake (before ebay deletes it):

Alien Crush
Andre Panza Kickboxing
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Devil's Crush
Dragon's Curse
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes
Dungeon Explorer
Dungeon Explorer 2
Dungeon Master: Theron's Quest
Exile: Wicked Phenomenon
Gate of Thunder
John Madden Duo CD Football
Keith Courage
Last Alert
Lords of the Rising Sun
Lords of Thunder
Military Madness
Neutopia 2
Order of the Griffon
Power Golf
Shape Shifter
Space Harrier
World Class Baseball
Ys - Books 1 & 2

All for only $175 plus $13.25 shipping.  It almost brings a tear to the eye.
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2010, 10:56:36 AM »

Considering I just paid $140 for a mint DE2, I have some serious buyers remorse going on right now.  HOLY CRAP, this is in Columbus, OH too?  How am I not hooked into all this Turbo Goodness happening in my own backyard???
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 10:58:27 AM by offsidewing »


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2010, 11:10:19 AM »
Wow, that is the best steal I have seen in a long time.  I want two of those games and a few of those manuals, and I assume I will pay more than this guy paid for the whole lot.

I am guessing we are going to see some of that stuff back on ebay in a week or so...


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2010, 12:09:51 PM »
@ Kattare - Nothing personal BTW.  I kinda feel bad that my sarcasm may be indirectly defamatory to you. 

heh, if it bothered me that much, I woulda picked up my ball and ran home crying to mommy long ago.

so hey, no problem.

I am guessing we are going to see some of that stuff back on ebay in a week or so...

That's pretty much how it worked for me the first few months I was collecting.  To get all the common stuff I had to pick up big lots, sometimes with a ton of dupes, trying to get a good ratio of "I Need" to "I Already Have"... I honestly almost bought a $450 lot a few weeks ago because in the pile of photos I saw a "Hudson Music Collection".  heh.  I was all calculating out, If I buy all this, then put everything but the music collection back up, how much do I lose?  Way... too... much...  I'm glad the magical chase auctions came along to distract me.

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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2010, 12:16:04 PM »
Damn Kattare, that's sure a hell of alot of work to go through for a $25 music collection CD..  :shock:
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2010, 12:52:03 PM »
Yeah... but when it's one of like two games you need to complete a collection... it gets hard to resist!

Snagging a copy of MC was a big eye opener... like... "oh... wow... maybe I can actually complete this."

Tho with Dynastic Hero being one of the outstanding games... I kinda think it may take another year or so.
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2010, 10:34:43 PM »
I see that the love is still flowing between everyone here in Turbeville.

@ Kattare - Nothing personal BTW.  I kinda feel bad that my sarcasm may be indirectly defamatory to you.  I have two goals in this forum.  1) make people spit milk out their nose with my clever banter and rapier wit - Still waiting for this to happen.  Although one unconfirmed rumor was that Esteban spit beer out his nose while reading one of my posts.  Funny thing is he was drinking diet coke at the time, so I'm not claiming that one.  2) Sarcastic Dead Horse Beating - I try to get every mile, inch, and millimeter out of what ever topic is bothering the community.  Sorry man, my sarcasm might be a bit 'too soon' on this one.

So, back to this whole regret about not getting the system mentioned in this post.

Crap. Goddamned Capri-Sun is dripping from my left nostril. I should use my handkerchief as it was intended (as a quicker-picker-upper) and not merely to keep my hair out of my eyes.

I blame fellow Jerseyan, The Boss, for my poor judgement.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 10:42:10 PM by esteban »
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2010, 05:15:17 PM »
I bet the people that are putting these things up on Ebay are all like "oh yeah I am gonna get a ton for all this", then after they are like.  WTF!!   :x


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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2010, 07:38:37 AM »
I bet the people that are putting these things up on Ebay are all like "oh yeah I am gonna get a ton for all this", then after they are like.  WTF!!   :x

One of the reasons I've stuck with BIN for all my stuff.  Everyone talks about patience when making purchases, and I agree with them, but I also think that patience when making sales can be beneficial as well.  Unless you're just dumping stuff because you're broke, you might as well try to get what something is actually worth instead of pennies on the dollar.
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2010, 03:26:31 AM »
While not as good as the previous deal, I hope someone here ended up with this bargain:

Aero Blasters
Air Zonk
China Warrior
Dragon's Curse
Dragon Spirit
Dungeon Explorer
Gate of Thunder
It Came From the Desert
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones
Last Alert
Legendary Axe
Neutopia II
Ninja Spirit
Valis III
Ys III - Wanderers From Ys

$158.75 with shipping, or about $8.36 per game.  With some all purpose cleaner, a little elbow grease, and a set of Sparky StickersTM, this would be a nice little starter collection.
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Re: what could have been.....
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2010, 02:32:29 PM »
I bet the people that are putting these things up on Ebay are all like "oh yeah I am gonna get a ton for all this", then after they are like.  WTF!!   :x

One of the reasons I've stuck with BIN for all my stuff.  Everyone talks about patience when making purchases, and I agree with them, but I also think that patience when making sales can be beneficial as well.  Unless you're just dumping stuff because you're broke, you might as well try to get what something is actually worth instead of pennies on the dollar.
I like to list everything I sell on ebay as penny auctions. For me it's more fun as a seller, and also I think it's more fun for the buyer. Back when I started using ebay, there wasn't as much BIN stuff all over the place and it was a better experience.

I've been blessed to have pretty good results. I' sold off my entire GI Joe collection this way and had some great surprises. A lot of 17 K-Mart knock-off figures went all the way up to $650 or so. A few of the GI Joe auctions went over $100 and many were in the $10-40 range... all for loose figures (mostly complete with FC because I've been a nerd for a long time)

I sold a sealed YS III (US) a year or two ago this way and it went up to $100.... after I had purchased a pair of them for like $30 from someone in the UK.

Kattare, I noticed you like to buy big lots, pull what you want, then resell everything. I, for one, think that's a lot of fun. I wish more people would do that with lots. Buy several lots, pull what they want, then resell everything as lots. I like doing that with NES manuals.