Author Topic: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..  (Read 2053 times)


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IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:24:04 PM »
Just assuming the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on and used hucards till end of its days, would it still be so much kick ass? especially be able to kicking MD and SFC asses?

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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 03:34:17 PM »
A lot of the best games are hu, so sure!


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 09:31:30 PM »
If they kept increasing the storage capacity, without a doubt. Just look at SFII' for example.
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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 09:46:24 PM »
I'm going to go with option 1. If NEC didn't go the cd route, they would have just gone further with the hucard. Who knows, the may have put some sort of FX chip on them. haha.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 10:53:03 PM »
The CD add on is what made the pc engine awesome, as well as distinct from its main competition.....with out the CD add on would we have gotten a game like winds of thunder, a game with more variety in two of its level than most 16bit shmups have in the entire game, or Rondo of blood, who's developers truly utilized the CD to its fullest, we know what happened to a 16 mbit (which is huge for rather short, sidescrolling 16bit action game) cartridge game, would the pc engine have been able to do justice to the Neogeo ports, with out a CD add on.etc

On the flip side, the NEC machine would have gotten more action games and wouldn't have become known as the girl game system, in Japan, if it had stuck with the hucard.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 02:47:01 AM »
Considering that the CD doesn't really add any extra capabilities, it'd still kick ass without the CD-ROM but slightly less so, since you'd be losing all the lovely red book tunes and they'd have to dial things back a notch or two to conserve space.
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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2010, 03:13:50 AM »
The CD-ROM add-on is definitely what set the system apart from its peers.  I mean, is there really a HuCard game that truly couldn't have been done on other systems?  Taking SF2 for example, which I think about is the pinnacle of HuCard games, both the Genny and the SNES had comparable efforts.

On the other hand, the first time I heard the Ys soundtracks -- I KNEW that couldn't be done on any other contemporary system during those times.

Yeah, sure, there still would be good HuCard games, but I really don't think it's still have the "hardcore" following it does today without the CD-ROM system.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2010, 06:37:45 PM »
I said no way, because I suspect that if it didn't get a CDROM it woulda been dropped like a rock about 3-4 years earlier in favor of a rushed PC-FX equivalent attempt at competing with SEGA-CD... bunch of the awesome hueys wouldn't have been released and instead would have been gimped into CD releases for the new system.  'course, I just got done watchin' back to the future with my kidlets, so I'm stuck in a time warp right now.
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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2010, 08:42:45 PM »
If there was no CD addon, the SupergRafx would have been more successful, as it would have probably had all that stuff, and thus had more to offer.

as it stands, the PCE would have been fine without a CD drive.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2010, 02:53:20 AM »
It's a good poser for sure. Had the PCE never aspired to have the CD ROM, were it not the first console to attempt that, it would definitely have needed to up its game to compete with its rivals, who generally were developing more hi spec hardware (though nowhere near as good LOL!). It's known that the Supergrafx bombed due to a mismatch between what was only a slightly better PCE, and customer expectations from the 16 Bit generation. And it's clear that from the very beginning of the NEC project, the CDROM was on the cards. What NEC would have needed to do, without the CDROM, is develop something akin to the Supergrafx but with yet more processing power. Something above a Megadrive but not quite at N64 level.

As it was the CDROM held the PCE in very good shape despite a fairly low share of the global market.

Generally the extra RAM etc that made some CDROM games more impressive than their HuCrad forebaerers (Spriggan, Sylphia, and of course Sapphire) might have been , as was suggested above, incorporated as a hardware or JuCard add-on (SFII). The PCE was always designed with peripherals and expandability (check that huge ext bus!) in mind, so who knows what sort of add-ons could have been developed? As it was, the CDROM was shrewd. It provided the earliest console foray into CD sound, extra memory and that progressive leap into new technology, which always inspires people.

The HuCard, both aesthetically and in performance terms, was an incredible medium though, and remains in my view the ultimate gaming medium, taking cost, size, reliability, looks, performance etc into account.
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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2010, 12:25:39 PM »
What NEC would have needed to do, without the CDROM, is develop something akin to the Supergrafx but with yet more processing power. Something above a Megadrive but not quite at N64 level.
Thats a pretty big gap, from 16bit to 64bit.

To add to what Ive already said, we wouldn't have gotten the most detailed BGs in a 16bit game, sure the game has to load every five to twenty foot steps your character takes, we also would not have gotten all the god awful voice acting.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2010, 04:00:52 PM »
If you take the Famicom as example, look at all the hardware upgrades the games received via cart.

 The PCE has audio input via the cart slot, so sound upgrades are possible. The cart interface it self supports ram on the hucard (populous does just this), so ram wouldn't be an issue. There's nothing to say they couldn't have included other smaller chip upgrades and mappers (like SF2).

 I personally think that if the PCE didn't go the way of the CDROM, it would have went the way of the Famicom. The PCE was already extremely popular in japan during early hucard days. Why wouldn't they expand on that like Nintendo did? My speculation is that they would just kept expanding on the cart side (like they kept expanding the CD rom setup too).

 There are a number of simple but cool hardware tricks you can do on the cart side to help boost performance too (as well as ease of programming). Also, if the CD addon was never invented - you could have up to 15.5megabit carts before you start adding in mappers.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2010, 11:05:18 PM »
The PCE would still have done well, even without the CD-ROM, because we would have gotten Legendary Axe III.

'nuff said.

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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2010, 07:04:20 AM »
Probably not. The CDROM2 might not be what make the system great, but it was what made the system unique and kept it alive for so long in a market place with Nintendo. Without the CDROM2 the PCE would have died much sooner since while in theory they could have produced Neo Geo sized HuCards with Gate of Thunder the Tengai Makyo and Dracula X on then...the reality is that there is no f*cking way in hell they would have actually done that. Therefore, it probably would have been the same stream of 8-bit-ish platformers and voice-less RPGs going against Final Fantasy, Yoshi's Island, etc.

While the fanboys here would argue that Bonk's Revenge is better that Super Mario World all day (just as the people on the CDi or Jaguar forums would say that Burn Cycle or Trever McFur hold their own against their competition of the day) the reality is that even a mediocre Mickey Mouse title on Genesis or SNES is lightyears beyond any TG-16 platformer in the eyes of most people. Therefore, 1991 or 1992 would have been about the end of real PCE development.


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Re: IF, the PCE never got a CD-ROM add-on..
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2010, 07:09:43 AM »
While the fanboys here would argue that Bonk's Revenge is better that Super Mario World all day

I actually believe that. Not because I think that Bonk's Revenge is so great, I've just never liked the 2D Mario games much (with the exception of Yoshi's Island). Call me a lunatic, but there it is.
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