Sparkys thread made me do some remembering of how it was back then!
So I did some checking in the catalog and magazine collection!
The following came up pretty fast!!
The first image shows the ad from an English magazine ("The Games machine")
and thats the ad that made me the PC Engine addict I am to day!
And this I got from the horse mouth (TTI them self) After that I just needed a DUO...
Now I've got 3!
A letter recived prior to the DUO's realese in the US
Another little something that came with the letter A Periphial that never saw the light of day (Thank god!!)
At one time I was concidering importing PC Engine stuff from Hong Kong, This company was one of the most interessting sources of PC Engine stuff at the time!!!!!!!!!those realy were the days of big dreams..........Dreams we now realize with the dough we have now but not then!