I just saw and WOW! I am truely impressed! 3x3 Eyes for the PCE SCD/ACD has got to have the best looking cinemas in 16-bit CD game. The normal SCD version only looked awesome enough and the ACD version was even better because of more frames as you said, along with faster speed and CD sound in parts. Thanks a lot for recording this!
By the way, for Windows users that want to view this but can't, first go
here and download the Windows release, then go
here and download what says "Installer including MeWiG,MPlayer-NoCss and OGMTools (complete)".
What were with those long loading screens for the ACD version? I thought ACD was supposed to load faster, haha. It seemed like the SCD version would load different parts while the cinemas were going and the ACD version just loaded it all at once on one big loading screen.