I know that. I would have prefered less planets but with more villages and a little bit more mazy. I think they came with the idea "travelling in entire galaxies will be great" but when you look at it, you only encounter one maze in an almots 40 hour RPG. They wanted to make an RPG that would last long rather than a shorter but more challenging RPG.
I'm not saying it's a bad game, the numerous bosses are really cool and impressive, I love the battle system and the chara design, don't get me wrong on this one.
Edit : and I enjoyed the spaceship fights.
About the repetitiveness (is that an english word?) of the game, after some time spent on the game, I didn't have to wonder where to go and what to do as it was always the same pattern over and other again. It's OK for players who can't read japanese as it makes things easier for them, not for me.