RPG - Order of the Griffon (the only straight up RPG on the TG-16)
To an extent, double dungeons is. Its alot like an early to mid 80s CRPG. (Wizardry). Even though you only get one character to control.
As far as getting CD-ROM systems, you really want a Duo of some kind. Don't bother with the TG-CD if you don't have to. If you have to, make sure to get one thats from someone who knew what they were doing and replaced the internals
. Otherwise you might get a dud that breaks down on you in no time. They're kinda unreliable. Its the nature of old-ass CD-ROM equipment.
Though, You'll also need the system 3.0 card (pricey) if you want to play Super CD-ROM games! The only way around the pricey US card, is if you region mod your TG and get the extremely cheap Japanese version of the card.
and as far as Duo's go, avoid the black one unless its confirmed that the one you are buying has been repaired/serviced by someone. They have audio problems, and it would be lame to get it and have it wack out on you.
The Duo-R and Duo-RX from Japan are the best thing around as far as a CD system. Reliable, built in System card 3, and plays Japanese games
. You can sometimes find them domestically on forums, but if not, importing one will cost you about as much as getting a TG-CD unit and System Card 3.
Have a Japanese Duo and your US TG-16 and you can play everything!
since, CD-ROM games are not region specific. They work on any system.
Sorry for the noob question, but how does one region mod their console?
You add a switch inside the console and do some re-routing of the pins on the hucard connector. Theres a schematic for it, but if you're not comfortable soldering, its better to have someone who is, do it for you
or skip it and get a Japanese Duo!