I've not seen any vertical lines in the PC Engines RGB output after being amped. If you start a PC Engine without a Hu-card in it, the PCE will display a solid white image, are the vertical bars visible there?
Do you know which amp your PC Engine uses?
The one I posted previously is the same as this one:
http://www.gamesx.com/grafx/pce_rgb.jpg found on here on the gamesx wiki:
http://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=av:pcergbI think it is good but it does make the image a slight bit softer, very slight.
The new ic amp design is interesting, would like to see the results. I'm not very fond of it though :-) It'll be a very dark day when I use ICs instead of transistors(as long as it is still reasonable of course) and it is more expensive. The Transistor amp has the plus of having components that can be had for about a $.
Jibbajaba: What NES do you own? The american NES2? I have worked with the Famicom a bit and it has close to disgusting vertical lines, especially in blue colours. But those are not from the amp, they are in the video and comes from interference from the data lines on the board. Although Nintendo didn't do that mistake with the NES and I would be suprised if they had made it again on the NES2... Although we are talking about Nintendo...