yeah, but a lot of times that shit ends up being thrown out in court because the officer who caught you don't show up, and then they have no numerical data to back up how toasted you were...
so it's the word of mouth of an non present officer, and then you get off on a technicality, etc.
kind of stupid, but thats the way it goes around here sometimes.
one time someone got out of a DUI + huge accident because before they tested the guys blood for alcohol, they used alcohol prep pads to prepare the area, and it was argued that it contaminated the reading. -_-
What's funny is in Oregon they have banned "holding your cellphone" while driving. So you have to use a handsfree device.
Problem is even myself, and I've seen people waiting at a red light miss that it has already turned green for example, get more distracted trying to get a wired handsfree headset untangled and plugged in when the phone rings or people messing with their bluetooth headsets of bluetooth speaker phone devices trying to get them to work.
People seem way more distracted trying get these things to function, drive, AND talk as opposed to just talking and driving.
I think that law took us backwards. Either let people talk or don't. This handsfree thing is more dangerous in my opinion. Would be interesting to see real data on it.
Some cities have that law here by me too. They did a study that showed that a lot of people lack the coordination to hold the phone, focus on the talking, and the driving all at once, and thats why they banned it.
Some people DO actually possess the coordination to do it, but most don't....
a hands-free setup, assuming you're not messy, lets you press button and talk while still focusing on the road.
It becomes about the same as having a passenger to talk to.
now, if you are one of those people who tangles all your wires, throws shit all over the car, and fumbles around with everything while driving, .... it isn't going to work out for you, lol.