So, the most intriguing thing is to learn that the "Kumon" learning centers I see popping up in my town/surrounding areas originated in Japonais?
I must investigate.
Back on topic: NATURALLY I'D love to play these edutainment titles. You never know....
From the Kumon Site. -
Kumon was founded in 1954 in Osaka, Japan, by Toru Kumon, a math teacher who wanted his son to enjoy learning math and be prepared for the rigorous college entrance exams. While teaching calculus to high school students, Toru began researching the skills a student needs to excel in high school-level calculus. Each day, he’d give his son, Takeshi, short assignments to complete. The work was incremental, allowing his son to master each concept completely before learning a new skill.
As Takeshi’s ability improved, parents took notice. Interest in the self-learning method continued to grow, and the first Kumon Center opened in 1958. The instructional method Toru Kumon created was so successful that Takeshi was solving calculus problems by the time he was in the sixth grade.
Kumon opened the first center outside of Japan in 1974 in New York. The success of Kumon’s math program in America led to the conception of a reading comprehension program, which was developed by a team of expert literature and reading specialists. Kumon’s reading program was launched in 1991. Using the same self-learning model, the program advances a child’s reading comprehension skills.
For more than 50 years, more than 16 million students worldwide have experienced the results of the Kumon Method of Learning.