All set and ready to jet!! We'll be at the show!
And we signed up for the after party!! w00!!!
In comparison, how big is this show compared to other 'classic gaming shows'? Like MGC.
Lovin' the enthusiasm Turbostar!! Weren't you the guy who did Turbo Fest with Keranu in prior years at the MGC?
Compared to the Midwest Gaming Classic, the Video Game Summit is much smaller. If you attended MGC last year, it is about 35-40% the size of main floor where people were selling games. This will be my first year attending as a staff member.
It sucks that my Duo all of sudden lost its sound. I don't think I will be able to fix it in time for the show since I lack the techinical expertise, soldering tools and gamebit. I've read the repair thread on this site, but still.. At least I have my T-16 + CD, not exactly the most portable system LOL.
Lots of cool events planned for Turbo Fest and the rest of the VGS.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. I hope I can bring Turbo Fest back to its former glory.