Overall, Turbo Fest was a great success. The turnout was much better than last year's convention. The people naturally gravitated to our booth since many of of the members of a website that I moderate decided to accompany me. Thanks to DragonmasterDan, I was able to give my T-16+CD unit breaks by using the DUO he brought along.
Battle Lode Runner was tons of fun as the concept of the game is very easy to understand. It took a bit for people to figure what each power up did. It was an intense match, especially five people on screen.
The five-player Bomberman 94 matches were fun as five human players were facing off in each round. Even though we got our behinds kicked by a 12-year old, we still enjoyed every minute of it.
In the R-Type tournament, hardly anybody was able to get past the first level (without using continues). 12 people signed for this tournament, and it took less than 25 mins for it to be over. LOL. Although one person almost beat the third level, hence, his score was twice as much as the second place winner.
One of my buddies created an arcade stick for the T-16 that was out of this world. It had buttons on the side so that you could enjoy some mad pinball action. It played beautifully with Devil's Crush. Pics of it are posted earlier on in this thread.
Here is a link to some of the pictures of Turbo Fest and a few others of the convention in general.
http://picasaweb.google.com/chany60126/VideoGameSummit#Bigger plans are in store for Turbo Fest next year. I would like to take this event back on tour to the Midwest Gaming Classic, perhaps with the help of others. I will keep you guys posted in the months to follow.
Thanks to all who came out to support Turbo Fest / Video Game Summit ie Dragonmasterdan, Turbostar, Roy The Sunderer, and a couple more I know I am forgetting.