Author Topic: Need help troubleshooting PC Engine (basic old white one)  (Read 191 times)


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Need help troubleshooting PC Engine (basic old white one)
« on: May 19, 2010, 05:53:14 PM »

First time poster, long-time Turbo etc. fan.

I spent the last 2.5 weeks in Korea & Japan.

I spent as much time as possible of my Tokyo leg of my trip in Akihabara.  I hit a bunch of stores & bought oodles of PC Engine Hu Cards & CD-ROMs.  I have a black US Turbo Duo already, so I also picked up a cheap white PC Engine to play my stash of Japanese Hu Cards.

I'm having trouble getting it to work, though...

I'm using an AC adapter that claims to put out 9V & 450mA.  It actually puts out ~12V DC unloaded, and it puts out ~10V DC when loaded (as measured by opening the console case & measuring voltage on the power jack tabs that connect it to the PCB).  So, I know that the console's getting power, and hopefully it's not too much voltage or too little current.  What are the acceptable VDC & mA ranges on this system?

For AV, I'm using 1 RCA-style cord with an RCA cable to a coax adapter, direct into my TV (a 1993 JVC TV).  I checked continuity on the cable & it's good on both the inside & outside lines.

I tried playing 2 Japanese Hu Cards & got no video or audio indication of anything happening when I power up the system--no flicker, no flash, no audio crackle, no nuthin'.  I tried tuning my TV to channels 2, 3, & 4, and I tried flipping the console's antenna switch from CH I to II.  What American TV channels are supposed to correspond to I & II on the console?

Got any ideas of what to try?

Thank you very much!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 05:57:04 PM by jasonbar »


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Re: Need help troubleshooting PC Engine (basic old white one)
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 05:56:47 PM »
Whoops, off to a good start here...

n00b mistake--didn't notice the Repair/Mod forum.  Posting my problem over there & locking this thread now...
