Author Topic: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay  (Read 539 times)


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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2010, 08:04:44 PM »
Personaly I do not mind buying bootlegs...

I don't mind playing/having bootlegs, but paying for them just messes up the whole system. Not only that, but since you can download virtually ANYTHING now for free (anything 32-bit or earlier anyway), and that's where these scumbags get the ISO in the first place, paying for stuff like this just makes you a dumb f*ck.

I did buy the Sapphire bootleg. I wanted that because it was on a real CD and would (hopefuly) last longer than a CD-R.


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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2010, 09:02:39 PM »
id buy that sapphire bootleg.  Its legit as shit as far as I care :D

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2010, 11:09:16 PM »
I wanted that because it was on a real CD and would (hopefuly) last longer than a CD-R.

It's lesser about the media which will last longer or not, more about that your system definitely will last longer.
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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2010, 02:23:36 PM »
I'm always up in the air about these things, I dislike bootlegs of games that exist (Sapphire) but reproductions of games that don't are another thing.. If someone made a high quality "US version" of Rondo that matched up with typical Duo games I'd be down for one. :P


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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2010, 02:41:59 PM »
I'm always up in the air about these things, I dislike bootlegs of games that exist (Sapphire) but reproductions of games that don't are another thing.. If someone made a high quality "US version" of Rondo that matched up with typical Duo games I'd be down for one. :P

you dont need a us version of rondo.  it works on tg16cd
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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2010, 02:47:44 PM »
Sure it works and doesn't really require any grasp of Japanese, but everything is still in Japanese. These sorts somewhat pointless repros are made for a lot of systems and can be pretty cool examples of what could have been, TG seems a bit left out for these things at the moment.


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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2010, 02:48:50 PM »
Sure it works and doesn't really require any grasp of Japanese, but everything is still in Japanese. These sorts somewhat pointless repros are made for a lot of systems and can be pretty cool examples of what could have been, TG seems a bit left out for these things at the moment.
ahh ok i got ya.  true that.  these guys arent doing that. they are doing shit. just burning discs of games you can download for free.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 02:52:13 PM by turbogrfxfan »
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Re: TG-16 Castlevania X on ebay
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2010, 05:33:15 PM »
On the topic of Sapphire vs. the professional Bootleg --- I am personally torn but I would never pay $50 to $100 for a damn copy even it's real pressed by a CD replicator shop.  I own a legit minty Sapphire (bought it at a store in Japan for $350 usd), and love it, but I get my ass kicked in that game so I don't really play it as much... the game is unbelievable for sure in terms of effects.. but due to the lack of playing time compared to my other titles, I'm torn about selling it off or keeping it for my forever_collection.....   dammit, decisions decisions decisions.

id buy that sapphire bootleg.  Its legit as shit as far as I care :D