SS/PSX Image Fight is 100% arcade accurate (sort of). the PCE one is quite down-trimmed, compared. It's not like R-Type, of which the PCE one is almost looking like its arcade pendant.
and in additional, you will get a 2nd game on the disc -> X-Multipy. which is IMO, one of the weirdest, strangest & coolest shooter together, Irem ever did. check Yu0tube for vids. The music is awesome as well
Really?!? I didn't even know there was an arcade version. Japanese only maybe?
Man, this might be a difficult choice. Are the 32-Bit versions import only? If so I know where I can get one of those "import discs" for my PSX locally for about $15.
Yes, the 32-Bit versions are import only, and the playstation version is pretty expensive.
Also yes, the arcade version was Japan only.
Personally I haven't tried the playstation or saturn versions, but I know for a fact that the PCE version gives you the benefit of selectable difficulty level.
You might be able to find a complete copy of Image Fight for the same price as the "import disc" you would need to load the playstation version.