Is the PCE version of Klax especially buggy or ugly or something? I ask because I've played other versions and had zero problem with it, yet people keep bringing it up.
Another thing I've learned from this thread is that if you get enough people together there will be a stated defense for ANY GAME. ANYTHING. Arkhan, for example. He apparently likes almost everything made, even shitty MSX games. Its like he lacks human judgement skills or something. Defending Ikari on Famicom? While I was a HUGE fan of Ikari 1 and 2 in the arcade, the NES/FC versions are CRAP. They look like crap, play like crap, and the first one is, I'm pretty sure, completely impossible to beat without a cheat code, which is bullshit.
I don't like everything. I hate most C64 games. the arcade ports are frigging shit. The action platformers are mental.
Most Amiga games are shitty European attempts at Japanese arcade quality. You end up with dodgy gameplay, crappy sampled guitars...., one button crap. The RPGs were great though, and all the weird games. Flashback on Amiga was great... but its great everywhere. Esp. Sega CD, where I don't need an annoying rig just to play it. As a whole, the C64 and Amiga are about the most unamusing gaming platforms I've ever tried.
I have this strange ability that I think alot of people lack: to look past certain faults in a game and enjoy the game. I like Hydlide. Americans as a whole hate the game. Japanese people sure did love it enough to get 3 games, remakes, and all kinds of stuff. So, if liking Hydlide makes me have problems, so does most of Japan. There is a difference between minor flaws, and total horse shit. Hydlides a bit vauge, the combat system is strange (but its also NEW, considering its the first to do it like that... and then Ys followed suit). ... but the controls are fine. The graphics are fine for the time... theres an interesting plot, and enough to make the game amusing.
But other games.... say, Sidearms for C64. What is going on. Stupid music, horrible, muddy, disastrous graphics.... terrible controls. The list could go on and on for most ports on the C64.
What shitty MSX games are we referring to here? Id be willing to bet these "shitty" games are MSX classics. People see the blocky scrolling and go OMG ITS CRAP. Its just eye-games. Its scrolling the same as if it were smooth scrolling. Its just in chunks of 8.
And like you've said here, and like I've already said tons of times in the past, long ago, even the worst PCE games out there are pretty good. Energy is pretty bad compared to the top tier games, but its still not bad. There are TONS of shit NES games, Atari 2600 games, and C64 games.
Real shit. Double Dragon on C64 shit.
The shittiest PCE has appears to be Energy or something. Shining diamonds compared to Double Dragon on C64.