Author Topic: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?  (Read 3376 times)


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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #75 on: May 24, 2011, 05:28:58 AM »
On the US side, I don't know if it's the "worst" game, but my least favorite game is Night Creatures. Wow...terrible game.
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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #76 on: May 24, 2011, 06:19:12 AM »
Is the PCE version of Klax especially buggy or ugly or something? I ask because I've played other versions and had zero problem with it, yet people keep bringing it up.

Another thing I've learned from this thread is that if you get enough people together there will be a stated defense for ANY GAME. ANYTHING. Arkhan, for example. He apparently likes almost everything made, even shitty MSX games. Its like he lacks human judgement skills or something. Defending Ikari on Famicom? While I was a HUGE fan of Ikari 1 and 2 in the arcade, the NES/FC versions are CRAP. They look like crap, play like crap, and the first one is, I'm pretty sure, completely impossible to beat without a cheat code, which is bullshit.

ceti alpha

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #77 on: May 24, 2011, 07:20:20 AM »
I think the problem with Klax is that it really isn't that great of a game to begin with. There are a ton of puzzle games on the PCE that offer better gameplay, better graphics and better sound. I'd personally rather play Tetris on the Gameboy. That said, I'm sure there are Klax fanatics that would love an Atari 2600 port of the game. As far as the TG/PCE port, it's pretty faithful from what I can tell. I honestly haven't played much of either. Basically, if you like Klax you'd probably find the TG/PCE port to be a fun and faithful port of the arcade.

I just took a quick glance at the Genesis port and I find the sound better on that version. It's less faithful to the arcade, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The FM synthesis on the Genesis actually provides softer, less harsh, sound fx. The sounds in that game can be rather abrasive.

I don't think there's any game that would get 100% unanimity for being the worst game, or the best game, for that matter. There are people here whom I consider to have very similar tastes in games as me that happen to like certain titles I wouldn't go near. That actually makes threads like this fun. It would be pretty boring if everybody had the exact same opinions.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 03:49:55 PM by ceti alpha »

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #78 on: May 24, 2011, 10:41:08 AM »
Is the PCE version of Klax especially buggy or ugly or something? I ask because I've played other versions and had zero problem with it, yet people keep bringing it up.

Another thing I've learned from this thread is that if you get enough people together there will be a stated defense for ANY GAME. ANYTHING. Arkhan, for example. He apparently likes almost everything made, even shitty MSX games. Its like he lacks human judgement skills or something. Defending Ikari on Famicom? While I was a HUGE fan of Ikari 1 and 2 in the arcade, the NES/FC versions are CRAP. They look like crap, play like crap, and the first one is, I'm pretty sure, completely impossible to beat without a cheat code, which is bullshit.

I've not been here long, but Arkhan does NOT like the Amiga.  Which, incidentally, the Klax port of which I like.


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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #79 on: May 24, 2011, 02:55:59 PM »
Is the PCE version of Klax especially buggy or ugly or something? I ask because I've played other versions and had zero problem with it, yet people keep bringing it up.

Another thing I've learned from this thread is that if you get enough people together there will be a stated defense for ANY GAME. ANYTHING. Arkhan, for example. He apparently likes almost everything made, even shitty MSX games. Its like he lacks human judgement skills or something. Defending Ikari on Famicom? While I was a HUGE fan of Ikari 1 and 2 in the arcade, the NES/FC versions are CRAP. They look like crap, play like crap, and the first one is, I'm pretty sure, completely impossible to beat without a cheat code, which is bullshit.

I don't like everything.  I hate most C64 games.  the arcade ports are frigging shit.  The action platformers are mental.

Most Amiga games are shitty European attempts at Japanese arcade quality.  You end up with dodgy gameplay, crappy sampled guitars...., one button crap.   The RPGs were great though, and all the weird games.  Flashback on Amiga was great... but its great everywhere.  Esp. Sega CD, where I don't need an annoying rig just to play it.  As a whole, the C64 and Amiga are about the most unamusing gaming platforms I've ever tried.

I have this strange ability that I think alot of people lack: to look past certain faults in a game and enjoy the game.  I like Hydlide.  Americans as a whole hate the game.  Japanese people sure did love it enough to get 3 games, remakes, and all kinds of stuff.  So, if liking Hydlide makes me have problems, so does most of Japan.  There is a difference between minor flaws, and total horse shit.   Hydlides a bit vauge, the combat system is strange (but its also NEW, considering its the first to do it like that... and then Ys followed suit).   ... but the controls are fine.  The graphics are fine for the time... theres an interesting plot, and enough to make the game amusing.

But other games.... say, Sidearms for C64.  What is going on.  Stupid music, horrible, muddy, disastrous graphics.... terrible controls.  The list could go on and on for most ports on the C64. 

What shitty MSX games are we referring to here?  Id be willing to bet these "shitty" games are MSX classics.  People see the blocky scrolling and go OMG ITS CRAP.   Its just eye-games.  Its scrolling the same as if it were smooth scrolling.  Its just in chunks of 8.

And like you've said here, and like I've already said tons of times in the past, long ago, even the worst PCE games out there are pretty good.  Energy is pretty bad compared to the top tier games, but its still not bad.   There are TONS of shit NES games, Atari 2600 games, and C64 games.

Real shit.  Double Dragon on C64 shit.

The shittiest PCE has appears to be Energy or something.   Shining diamonds compared to Double Dragon on C64.  

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 03:01:07 PM by Arkhan »
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #80 on: May 24, 2011, 03:05:12 PM »
The Turbo port of KLAX is fine, except it has no music. The biggest problem is that KLAX sucks ass to begin with.


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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #81 on: May 24, 2011, 03:19:17 PM »
The Turbo port of KLAX is fine, except it has no music. The biggest problem is that KLAX sucks ass to begin with.

that alone without even playing the game, will tell you it sucks.

I remember the first time I played Klax. 

I asked "Is this it? this is all I do?!" and they told me "yes" and I pulled the f*cker out of the Genesis and went "put in Golden axe before I kill you"

I mustve been around 10 at the time
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #82 on: May 24, 2011, 03:20:51 PM »
Its like he lacks human judgement skills or something. Defending Ikari on Famicom? While I was a HUGE fan of Ikari 1 and 2 in the arcade, the NES/FC versions are CRAP. They look like crap, play like crap, and the first one is, I'm pretty sure, completely impossible to beat without a cheat code, which is bullshit.

 It's been ages since I played Ikari warriors on the NES, but I don't remember having any problem with the games. They weren't great arcade ports, but I didn't think they were shitty either. Then again, I loved Zelda 2 and Fester's Quest was actually fun (even if I didn't beat it). I also liked Heavy Barrel on the NES. How do you rate that one?


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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #83 on: May 24, 2011, 03:28:28 PM »
Whats wrong with Zelda 2, festers quest, and heavy barrel!?  do people rag on them?

Also, Ikari 1 on NES was great.   I still play that game alot.  Though Guerilla War and Iron Tank are more fun.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #84 on: May 24, 2011, 03:33:35 PM »
Zelda 2 > all other Zeldas


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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #85 on: May 24, 2011, 03:57:20 PM »
 I loved playing Klax back in the day on my Express.  It played really well on the Express when a lot of other TG16 games didn't carry over well to that tiny screen.  Of course I LOVED Tetris and am generally a fan of "casual" puzzle games, so maybe I'm biased...

Dangit, now I want to hunt down Klax again...

ceti alpha

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2011, 04:41:45 PM »
Whats wrong with Zelda 2, festers quest, and heavy barrel!?  do people rag on them?

Zelda 2 > all other Zeldas

Oh man. Zelda 2 was the shit. Who could possibly crap on that game? Zelda 2 was actually my introduction to the series. Love it.

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #87 on: May 24, 2011, 05:16:03 PM »
Whats wrong with Zelda 2, festers quest, and heavy barrel!?  do people rag on them?

Zelda 2 > all other Zeldas

Oh man. Zelda 2 was the shit. Who could possibly crap on that game? Zelda 2 was actually my introduction to the series. Love it.

Although not my introduction to series, I don't remember being any more excited for a game's release than Zelda 2! I must have rented it a zillion times before my dad broke down and bought it outside of Christmas or my B-day. Zelda 2 simply rulz!
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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2011, 04:39:33 AM »
It seems to be bashed heavily, while the first game, which is an overly generic, simple, kind of repetitive game that is bested by Neutopia and Golvellius, gets treated like royalty.

The first one is nice and all, but its not exactly the most amazing thing ever.  The graphics are kinda derp, among other crap.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: What is the worst game on the PC Engine?
« Reply #89 on: May 25, 2011, 05:58:54 AM »
I still remember TV promos for the first Zelda, touting it like it had the most amazing graphics ever. Hell, SMB looked better. Zelda 2 rapes Zelda 1 many times over, not only in looks but also in gameplay style and things to do. It's also noticeably harder. Someday I would like to remake Zelda 2 for the PCE on hucard, with sweet new graphics and improved sound. Squirrel 3 ftw! :D

Anyways, while I think that Wonder Momo is a... well... rather subpar game, it's certainly not as bad as Energy. Its purpose is just rather stupid and juvenile, though I love the loads of gratuitous panty shots. :D Xevious... well, it's a pretty lame shooter to begin with, but I don't think it's bargain barrel rubbish either. It doesn't look or play too different from the arcade version. And Klax... the premise of the game is pretty dumb, so the PCE version isn't gonna improve an already stupid idea (hey, it's an Atari game, what do you want?). Despite that though, the PCE version of Klax plays very well, even if the concept itself is rather ridiculous. I've never finished it because it gets boring (I did finish the NES version long ago though... the final level is really patience-trying).