Yes, the standard LT/IFU setup is already on the poster.
This is intended as the silliest getup. I did this BITD just to be able to tell everyone I could play a CD game on the express. I actually played about 70% through Drac this way, but it wore thin... the game's too much fun on the little screen.
The reason the setup was chosen this way
Express = Huey only!? Of course....
Duo-RX = Last of the line for the hardware.....

Dracula X = Often considered the system's greatest game (Insert your own opinion)
What do they have in common? "X", so that's why I chose them the way I did.
Maybe not as fun as Tat's version of the Drac X Special Huey, but I'm guessing more people have a Duo and and Express/Tuner than do any of the actual special hueys.
BTW, when I played through BITD, I hooked up the TGCD to the Express the same way.
You actually do get Audio and Video with the RCA to Miniplug, but of course, the express will only serve as a monitor, and you will need to use the controller on your SCD setup to actually play.
Just a novelty, but then again, so is the poster!