Author Topic: Cool forum glad to be here!  (Read 585 times)


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Cool forum glad to be here!
« on: July 17, 2010, 02:49:24 PM »
Hello all. My name is ROB. I am 42 and live in beautiful KELOWNA, BC, CANADA. On Youtube I am also known as MaximumRD (I like to be consistant and I am proud of my reputation) I have a Classic Gaming channel which I will not post as that is just tacky. I learned about this place through a fellow Youtuber named jboypacman aka John. Though I have collected many classic gaming consoles and handhelds very sadly I have never owned a single NEC console   ](*,) . I know I know lol! I have always been interested in all the models though, just feel they have a style all their own. Things are a little tough for me right now but with any luck I hope to start dipping my toes into the Turbographics/PCEngine waters maybe next year  =P~(sooner if a miracle happens!) but I will get there eventually. In the meantime I hope to learn more about the platform, figure out the best system and games for me, I like to be prepared before jumping into a new platform. I hope to get to know you all and hopefully be a helpful and contributing member at these forums.
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 02:54:16 PM »
Welcome Max. :)  (damn ANOTHER canuck lol) ;)   Feel free to post your channel...some good stuff on there man.   Ask any questions that you can think of...this site has a wealth of knowledgeable peeps.
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2010, 03:12:39 PM »
Welcome aboard Rob you are going to like it here there some really great folks here that will make you feel right at home and can answer any questions you might have. :D


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2010, 03:22:15 PM »
Cool thanks guys. I think I am going to like it here! Well then if it's OK to toot my own horn here then I am always happy to gain new good people at my Classic gaming/Computing sites!
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Please feel free to hit me up at those sites, COULD CERTAINLY USE contributor's into all the NEC consoles!   :-"

My collection currently consists of: NintendoDS/Gameboy AdvanceSP/ Xbox / GP2X WIZ/ Dingoo A320/ PS2 (one Phat and one SLIM)/ Gamecube/ Dreamcast/ Sega Satun/ Sega CDX/ CDi/ 3DO/ Sega Genesis model 1/ FC Mobile II/ PS1 (Original and SLIM)/ Colecovision/ Intellivision II/ PSP/ Ti99a/ Atari 520st/ Atari 1040stf/ Commodore 64/ Commodore C64/ PLUS a pretty decent Desktop and an average laptop.

So yeah you can see what is lacking lol!   #-o
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 05:12:29 PM »
The canuck invasion!!!

welcome aboard R.O.B. :D
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 05:29:59 PM »
Welcome Rob, hope you enjoy it here & good luck starting your PCE/TG16 collection.
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2010, 06:04:22 PM »
@nectarsis Thanks man, glad I ran into you on Youtube! It's been cool getting to know you.  8)
@jboypacman Always a pleasure buddy!  :wink:
@Tatsujin Lol! Yes glad to here there are more Canucks here!   :dance:
@henrycsc Honestly though it will be sometime before I can begin my PCE/TG16 collecting I am really looking forward to it! My only experience was years many years ago a buddy and I rented the TG16, we got Keith Courage and I think BONK with it and admittedly having only experienced NES as far as consoles went I was blown away. At that young age I was very poor    :-({|= and on top of that NOBODY I knew had one and there seemed very little support at least here in Toronto Canada where I lived at the time so after that I rarely saw anything else TG16 related outside of a import store downtown. Then I really only started collecting again a couple of years ago, in a very short time I amassed the entire collection I listed previously but not knowing much about PCE/TG16 and related consoles I had not yet got around to starting that part of my collection. Well I just recently picked up a NEO GEO CD and I been having a blast with that so I figure my next major jump will be into the world of PCE/TG16. With that thought I figured this would be the place to get to know all about these systems, games, accessories etc. When I am ready expect to be bombarded with questions!

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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2010, 10:12:23 PM »
Welcome MRD!

     Must be getting some high temperatures up in Kelowna about now, i got a buddy who lives in Vernon so i remember those interior summers!  :twisted:
Anyways, you said in TO there wasn't mush support for the TG16?  Here in Vancouver, the TG16 was all over the place!  I constantly saw it in stores like Eatons, The Bay, Radio Shack, CompuCentre and Consumers Distributing (the last 2 which have gone the way of the dodo...). Well, hopefully you get a good feel for our beloved system here on the forum, enjoy!  :mrgreen: 


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2010, 10:24:12 PM »

Well, perhaps there was more support than what I am recalling, probably I was not paying as much attention since I was not going to be getting one lol! Come to think of it I guess there was a fair amount of availability if one really looked. OMG! You said Consumers Distributing I LOVED that place and the catalogs (very easy to return stuff there no hassle lol!) man I would pour through the catalogs drooling!
Yeah it has been getting pretty hot as of late but much less humid here than it ever was in Toronto not to mention a lot less smog/pollution. What is funny is how much temps vary here hitting a high of 30+ Celsius than dropping to 15 overnight lol! BUT that does give you more comfy sleeping weather and a chance to air out the place over night.
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2010, 01:52:36 AM »
nice, another canadian... <<cracks open a vintage bottle of maple syrup>>

Welcome, ya its a great place, lots to see and do :) even the shoutbox is fun....just watch when i get drinking :P

As for the systems this canuck got hooked on Dragon Spirit on the Tg16 system which got me rolling into other great titles like Blazing lasers & Bomberman but also look into the PCE as well, it has these games & a lot more goodness to discovery.... see you around.


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2010, 08:03:26 AM »
Hi there! Welcome to the forums.
The PC Engine Software Bible
Quote from: Tatsujin
I just felt in a hole!


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2010, 09:06:54 AM »
Welcome, Dude.  8)
[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2010, 03:44:04 AM »
Glad to see ya here MaxRD!! 

I also sneak around the underbellies of Youtube as shubibinman... lol


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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2010, 04:40:32 AM »
Another peep from C, eh?  N, eh?  D, eh?  Welcome aboard.
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Re: Cool forum glad to be here!
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2010, 07:25:32 AM »
Welcome Rob. If your going to dive into the world of TG-16/PC-Engine there in nothing better than starting here. They helped me a lot when I was going to lose my TG-16/PC Engine virginity  :lol:. I also check out your channel Rob. You got some good stuff. I remember when I was going to buy a Sega CDX, I checked out your video on your Sega CDX and it was very helpful in learning more on the console. Thanks again. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Also Nectarsis, The Chicago Bulls are going to be taking back the Central Division :twisted: The Bucks and the Bulls are the two teams that got a lot better in that division and one of them is going to take it.