Author Topic: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!  (Read 1895 times)


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London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:44:50 PM »

Very surprised to stumble across this on youtube today! The police department is saying that they believed that the building was being used as a cannabis factory and they had no idea the building was a Mosque! Despite the large bright red sign!


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 02:55:16 PM »
Not everyone understands a bright red sign, even if it's large. So, was it being used as a cannabis factory or not? And is this only "news" because it's about Islam?


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 02:59:58 PM »
Not everyone understands a bright red sign, even if it's large. So, was it being used as a cannabis factory or not? And is this only "news" because it's about Islam?
According to the london daily news no drugs were found whatsoever.

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 03:16:57 PM »
The "Nation of Islam" isn't even real Islam. Just like Mormons aren't real Christians.  What they are are racist.  How many white Nation of Islam members are there?

Quote from: Louis Farrakhan
"White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet."

That's nice.  Thank you.  I love you, too.


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 03:28:37 PM »
I'm interested in knowing what lead police to even think cannabis was being grown there.

Either way, the church didn't deserve it and cannabis needs to be legalized.  8)
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 03:41:43 PM »
The "Nation of Islam" isn't even real Islam. Just like Mormons aren't real Christians.  What they are are racist.  How many white Nation of Islam members are there?

Quote from: Louis Farrakhan
"White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet."

That's nice.  Thank you.  I love you, too.

How many descendants of slaves have been able to form their own independent nation on the North American continent, free from the constitution that sanctioned their suffering? The slaves have never really been 'freed' as they have always been subject to a legal document crafted by whites and for the benefit of whites.

I tried to find the full article with the Minister's quote that you posted Joe, but couldn't do it. What I can say about it is that it comes from a perspective 1) that truly being a human being is a high standard to strive for, 2) that white people have only been on the planet for 6,000 years and have not been able to develop a society that can coexist indefinitely with nature without destroying nature and the foundation of life itself, and 3) that black people are most likely potential humans as well, and who need to be raised up to a high standard of humanity as well.

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2010, 06:00:19 PM »
That quote is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/18/00.

Slaves have never been freed?  What the shit is this?  That must be some pretty tasty Kool-Aid you're drinkin'.  Wait, let me guess... they aren't fully free until retributions have been paid!

Bottom line is this:  Blacks have the same freedoms as whites.  If a black person fails at any given thing, it is not because the white man is the oppressor.  That is a huge cop-out.  "It's not my fault!".  Sure, many hurdles are tougher, mainly due to $$$ reasons.  But success is still absolutely possible.  And sure, all man may have descended from Africa, but I don't see how that makes any difference in anything.

Nation o' Islam does not believe that whites are worthy to be evangelized, and thus does not accept them into the Nation o' Islam.

The NOI believes that black people purposely created white people through selective breeding.  I guess they thought "We need some white people 'round here".  Blaming white people for any inadequacies is the same as blaming black people, since black people created white people.  I don't understand their attitude of "us vs them".  But I do enjoy Damon Wayans' impersonation of the rambling, nonsensical Farrakhan.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 06:07:06 PM by Joe Redifer »


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 06:22:08 PM »
That quote is from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/18/00.

Slaves have never been freed?  What the shit is this?  That must be some pretty tasty Kool-Aid you're drinkin'.  Wait, let me guess... they aren't fully free until retributions have been paid!

Bottom line is this:  Blacks have the same freedoms as whites.  If a black person fails at any given thing, it is not because the white man is the oppressor.  That is a huge cop-out.  "It's not my fault!".  Sure, many hurdles are tougher, mainly due to $$$ reasons.  But success is still absolutely possible.  And sure, all man may have descended from Africa, but I don't see how that makes any difference in anything.

Nation o' Islam does not believe that whites are worthy to be evangelized, and thus does not accept them into the Nation o' Islam.

The NOI believes that black people purposely created white people through selective breeding.  I guess they thought "We need some white people 'round here".  I don't understand their attitude of "us vs them".
Can you post the text of the article from 3/18/00 that the quote was alledgedly taken from?

What was the extent of black participation as far as crafting the constitution that they were forced to live under?

If the London Nation of Islam mosque fails now to provide education to the youth, can you say the oppression of the white police played no role?

And what about Oscar Grant, the young man killed by the BART cop on New Years, 2009. He failed to make it home. Can't blame the cop, though, for Grant's failure.

The Nation of Islam believes that one black man was responsible for making white people (it was not a project of black people generally). His purpose was to create a new kind of man who could rule over the original black man.

I'm interested in knowing what lead police to even think cannabis was being grown there.

Either way, the church didn't deserve it and cannabis needs to be legalized.  8)
Even though the UK is supposedly a democratic country these days, I would imagine that the police department is probably not transparent when it comes to revealing its sources of false information...
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 06:24:54 PM by rag-time4 »

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 06:57:14 PM »
The Philidelphia Inquirer's online database doesn't seem to go that far back, but put that quote into Google.

What was the extent of black participation as far as crafting the constitution that they were forced to live under?

I counter that with a question of my own:  What about the Constitution would you change?  To that extent, why didn't Latinos, American Indians, and any other type of immigrant get a direct say?  Even today, blacks comprise less than 13% of all Americans.  Yet if they get a job they are condemned for working for a white man's corporation.  Solution:  All black people need to own their own businesses.

If the London Nation of Islam mosque fails now to provide education to the youth, can you say the oppression of the white police played no role?

I don't purport to know anything about that particular mosque.  Does it double as a school?  What kind of education does it provide?  Can you prove that white people went in there with the intention of shutting down the mosque?  What would be their motive, other than they they just want to oppress people for fun?  Because, somehow, the black race is a threat to them?  Since they found no drugs I don't think the operation of the mosque will be affected.  I chalk it up to bad police work.  Also, are only white people allowed to join the police?  Not everything that happens has a racial motive, you know.  The NAACP is just as bad... nothing is coincidence, everything is racist to them.

And what about Oscar Grant, the young man killed by the BART cop on New Years, 2009. He failed to make it home. Can't blame the cop, though, for Grant's failure.
I don't know about that particular case.  Racism does exist, but it is not present every time a white cop shoots a black person.  Believe it or not, black people can be racist, too.  But if Oscar Grant was innocent, then it was not his failure.  However that does not mean he was the victim of a giant white conspiracy.

The Nation of Islam believes that one black man was responsible for making white people ... His purpose was to create a new kind of man who could rule over the original black man.

Well, then he was a very successful black man since white people have only one goal in mind: Oppress the black man.  It's all we care about, really.  :roll:  When I am driving down the street with my white friends and we see a black guy walking around, we pull over to make sure that he is nowhere near approaching his potential.  A white man's heaven is a black man's hell, after all (another quote from Farrakhan, I believe).   :^o  But even so, I fail to see how this is even logical.  One man breeds white people, which would take generations upon generations.  And he breeds them for the sole purpose of being the oppressor.  Why would their color matter?  Did this same guy breed Asian people to invent and engineer small electronics?  What was his goal in breeding Latinos and Native Americans?  And why oh why did he make the French?   :wink:
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 07:08:01 PM by Joe Redifer »


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2010, 08:04:39 PM »
The Philidelphia Inquirer's online database doesn't seem to go that far back, but put that quote into Google.

What was the extent of black participation as far as crafting the constitution that they were forced to live under?

I counter that with a question of my own:  What about the Constitution would you change?  To that extent, why didn't Latinos, American Indians, and any other type of immigrant get a direct say?  Even today, blacks comprise less than 13% of all Americans.  Yet if they get a job they are condemned for working for a white man's corporation.  Solution:  All black people need to own their own businesses.

If the London Nation of Islam mosque fails now to provide education to the youth, can you say the oppression of the white police played no role?

I don't purport to know anything about that particular mosque.  Does it double as a school?  What kind of education does it provide?  Can you prove that white people went in there with the intention of shutting down the mosque?  What would be their motive, other than they they just want to oppress people for fun?  Because, somehow, the black race is a threat to them?  Since they found no drugs I don't think the operation of the mosque will be affected.  I chalk it up to bad police work.  Also, are only white people allowed to join the police?  Not everything that happens has a racial motive, you know.  The NAACP is just as bad... nothing is coincidence, everything is racist to them.

And what about Oscar Grant, the young man killed by the BART cop on New Years, 2009. He failed to make it home. Can't blame the cop, though, for Grant's failure.
I don't know about that particular case.  Racism does exist, but it is not present every time a white cop shoots a black person.  Believe it or not, black people can be racist, too.  But if Oscar Grant was innocent, then it was not his failure.  However that does not mean he was the victim of a giant white conspiracy.

The Nation of Islam believes that one black man was responsible for making white people ... His purpose was to create a new kind of man who could rule over the original black man.

Well, then he was a very successful black man since white people have only one goal in mind: Oppress the black man.  It's all we care about, really.  :roll:  When I am driving down the street with my white friends and we see a black guy walking around, we pull over to make sure that he is nowhere near approaching his potential.  A white man's heaven is a black man's hell, after all (another quote from Farrakhan, I believe).   :^o  But even so, I fail to see how this is even logical.  One man breeds white people, which would take generations upon generations.  And he breeds them for the sole purpose of being the oppressor.  Why would their color matter?  Did this same guy breed Asian people to invent and engineer small electronics?  What was his goal in breeding Latinos and Native Americans?  And why oh why did he make the French?   :wink:
I noticed that you chose not to answer my questions directly.

Firstly, black people played an extremely minimal role in crafting the constitution, and those who were enslaved had no say at all. Then, with the passage of the thirteenth amendment, slaves were "freed" but still subject to the jurisdiction of the constitution that they (formerly enslaved) had no part in crafting. How can you be considered "free" if you are bound to submit to someone else's legal system?

In this context, you may not understand an "us vs them" mentality, but I understand it.

The Nation of Islam believes that all people should have freedom, justice, and equality.

Stories like the London police raid show that freedom (of religious worship and assembly) and justice (ransacking a building on false pretense) are yet to be attained, though if you were to say that police are out of control in general and tend to mistreat everyone, I would have to agree... though I do certainly feel that black people and other 'people of color' tend to get it far, far worse than white people when it comes to police abuse.

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2010, 08:34:35 PM »
Like I asked, what would you change about the Constitution?  What about it displeases you other than the fact that white peeps didn't directly ask black people for their direct input?  How would one go about that, anyway?  I know of no one person or group of people who can represent all black people, though idiots like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson sure try.  The NAACP tries, too.  Your claim that blacks aren't free because they had no part in creating the Constitution is ridiculous.  I didn't have part in crafting it, either, so therefore I am not free.  In fact, only the founding fathers are truly free.

I truly believe that the NOI and NAACP do more to harbor racism than to abolish it.  They are their own greatest enemy.  There are many whites who are racist, yes.  But white people as a whole?  That's just incredibly stupid and quite offensive.  Like I said, black people can be racist, too.  Just because they are black doesn't make their racism OK.  I rank the NOI right up there with Scientology.


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 09:22:54 PM »
I'm interested in knowing what lead police to even think cannabis was being grown there.

Maybe they saw you walking out of the place? :D

I had to do it! Sorry >_O

anyway, anyone who thinks one color created another color is a dumbass and needs to learn him some science. 
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

I'm a max level Forum Warrior.  I'm immortal.
If you're not ready to defend your claims, don't post em.

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2010, 09:49:16 PM »
It's not hard to believe we all originated from basically the same geographic regions, but color is more based on environment and takes hundreds if not thousands of years to change without cross breeding.  But if there were no white people to cross breed with, then WTF?  I guess you could selectively breed light-skinned blacks over a few dozen generations, but would that give them the natural desire to build castles, submit to a king and queen and enslave them some foreigners?

Cannabis should be legalized, though I'd never use it.  I have plenty o' fun without it.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 09:54:02 PM by Joe Redifer »


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 05:41:25 AM »
Like I asked, what would you change about the Constitution?  What about it displeases you other than the fact that white peeps didn't directly ask black people for their direct input?  How would one go about that, anyway?  I know of no one person or group of people who can represent all black people, though idiots like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson sure try.  The NAACP tries, too.  Your claim that blacks aren't free because they had no part in creating the Constitution is ridiculous.  I didn't have part in crafting it, either, so therefore I am not free.  In fact, only the founding fathers are truly free.

I truly believe that the NOI and NAACP do more to harbor racism than to abolish it.  They are their own greatest enemy.  There are many whites who are racist, yes.  But white people as a whole?  That's just incredibly stupid and quite offensive.  Like I said, black people can be racist, too.  Just because they are black doesn't make their racism OK.  I rank the NOI right up there with Scientology.
How can you say that my claim that the slaves weren't truly freed is rediculous? Free in theory, yes, as long as they submit to another nation's laws. Real freedom would entail being able to craft their own flag, their own legal system, their own economic system, etc. If black people decide to become communist, for example, they may be subject to assassination at the hands of the american government, such as Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.

The difference between black slaves and with you and I is that the slaves were captured and brought here against their will, while we as whites are more likely to have been descendant from immigrants. To capture a large group of people, then to release them in a land that is not their land of national origin, then force them to abide by laws and cultural norms that may be foreign to their own ancestral laws and cultural norms is not giving them freedom.

White people are not required for cross breeding, because black people contain all of the recessive genetic characteristics of whites in their genetic makeup. Therefore you can slectively breed those who come out with recessive characteristics.

I'm interested in knowing what lead police to even think cannabis was being grown there.

Maybe they saw you walking out of the place? :D

I had to do it! Sorry >_O

anyway, anyone who thinks one color created another color is a dumbass and needs to learn him some science. 
You can certainly breed other mammals to produce specific characteristics, why not humans?

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2010, 09:05:27 AM »
So you are saying that the law should not apply to black people?  Again, that is ridiculous.  If anyone feels that way, they are free to leave the country (unless, of course, you were an a$$hole criminal and decided to break laws to begin with because you feel that they do not apply to you).  Good luck with that as most other countries are much less desirable places to live, especially in Africa.  In fact, what you have said is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.  Yes, black people were brought here by force.  Nobody condones that.  But to say that all of their ancestors are not truly free is indeed ridiculous (beyond, actually).  I am not truly free, either, as I cannot gather a group of 3/4 German 1/4 French people like myself and create our own flag, laws and economic system.  As for becoming communists, I don't think the extreme reaction to such a think had any color boundaries.  You think white people didn't get the shaft when certain government people thought they were commies?  Also, what happens when a black cop shoots a black suspect?  Is it still the white man's fault because the black man is working for the white man or some nonsense like that?

Yes, you can breed dogs.  But dogs are ready to reproduce at less than a year old so it goes much, much faster yet still takes a very long time.  Humans have to be 13 or 14 years old before they can safely reproduce.  One man could not do this.  To think he could flies in the face of logic.  Also, he must have been a very powerful single man if he could control a whole bunch of people for this long just to do this.  I am positive that no science was involved in this idiotic theory.

OK that's enough for now.  Let's have a discussion next time about how the stork brings babies or something else that is solved with simple common sense.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 09:13:47 AM by Joe Redifer »