Author Topic: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!  (Read 1900 times)


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2010, 07:59:02 AM »
Id rather be a slave to money, than be a broke ass caveman running around naked trying to catch a f*ckin rabbit so I can eat back in my smelly cave with my cave-hoe that has no deodorant / feminine products and thus smells like rotting doom.

Bring on the phiggidy jiggidy televisions and order some take out chinese foods.  Slave it up. 

ahhh haaaa thats the best!!    for me i kinda do what i wanna do.  alot of the stuff that is against the law is morrally wrong. so most the time i dont break the law.  as far as money, i work to live not live to work.  ill never be a slave to money like mc jagger said
"is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"

ceti alpha

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2010, 10:56:13 AM »
Wow! This NOI stuff is better than the crazy Nazi business with white man being created from lightning from God - or something like that. lol

Skin colour is due to genetic drift. Humans need vitamin D, but melanin in our eyes and skin acts as a filter. So, because melanin acts as a filter humans in northern regions have lighter skin containing less melanin, which allows us to take in more vitamin D when there isn't much sunlight. Southern regions have darker skinned people because they need to filter out the UV rays from the intense sun. That's why blacks used to get rickets when they first started migrating to northern regions. They weren't getting enough vitamin D from the sun. It's also why whites are more prone to skin cancer - we don't have as much melanin to filter out the UV rays. One isn't better than the other and there are, in fact, more differences within so-called "races" than between.

This type of crap is precisely why religion pisses me off. It promotes ignorant BS as divine truth and perpetuates myths, which in turn perpetuates hate.

This makes me laugh. Though I laughed so hard I lost my moral "barometer". That's fine though - I found my compass.

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2010, 12:19:49 PM »
Wow! This NOI stuff is better than the crazy Nazi business with white man being created from lightning from God - or something like that. lol

Skin colour is due to genetic drift. Humans need vitamin D, but melanin in our eyes and skin acts as a filter. So, because melanin acts as a filter humans in northern regions have lighter skin containing less melanin, which allows us to take in more vitamin D when there isn't much sunlight. Southern regions have darker skinned people because they need to filter out the UV rays from the intense sun. That's why blacks used to get rickets when they first started migrating to northern regions. They weren't getting enough vitamin D from the sun. It's also why whites are more prone to skin cancer - we don't have as much melanin to filter out the UV rays. One isn't better than the other and there are, in fact, more differences within so-called "races" than between.

This type of crap is precisely why religion pisses me off. It promotes ignorant BS as divine truth and perpetuates myths, which in turn perpetuates hate.

This makes me laugh. Though I laughed so hard I lost my moral "barometer". That's fine though - I found my compass.

awesome ceti great info
"is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2010, 04:52:35 PM »
Quote from: ceti alpha

This makes me laugh. Though I laughed so hard I lost my moral "barometer". That's fine though - I found my compass.

Ha!  That's great.  I love it when people believe that there is no way atheists can have good morals.  I usually argue that atheists choose their morals based on their own sense of right and wrong, not what religion tells them is right and wrong.


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2010, 12:55:30 AM »
Steve Harvey is a total fool... always has been, always will be.


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2010, 01:43:20 PM »
Steve Harvey is a total fool... always has been, always will be.

lol he bites.  not funny at all.  and whose his friend?cedric the entertainer? nice!
"is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2010, 03:55:37 PM »
if blacks made whites, why is it that whites were in houses/advancing technology/etc. while blacks were still running around being tribal

and getting enslaved and brought here?

Did they set this all up to torture themselves?
Firstly, to say that blacks were "running around and being tribal" makes a mockery of African history, even "sub-saharan" Africa. Prior to European contact and colonization of west Africa, centralized empires had began to develop after contact with Muslims. I would recommend taking at least a glance at a couple of wiki pages on the topic for quick reading: Songhai Empire and Timbuktu. Timbuktu, as the page says, "is assumed to have had one of the first universities in the world."

If you're into books on the subject, I would recommend checking out They came before Columbus: The African presence in Ancient America

Secondly, to respond to the other parts of your question, the "why" and the "was it to torture themselves?"....

As we are taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the making of the white race was not a project undertaken by "black people in general" or even by any group of aurhorities (people in power) of that time....

According to the Nation of Islam, it was one black guy who created whites.  I guess he felt that only whites could rule and enslave.  I think most will agree that whites are physically weaker, so why he would choose to "create" a weaker race to rule is beyond my comprehension.  But again, it's all fairy tales from the Nation o' Islam.
It was not one black guy who made the white race, but it was one black man who came up with the idea to make the white race, who subsequently attracted followers and developed an institution which finished the process. As Joe argued earlier in the thread, it would take a long time from start to finish to complete the selective breeding process necessary.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the process took 600 years, of which Yakub, the black man who started the process, only lived to see a portion of.

I'll quote from the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's book, Message to the Blackman in America, pages 110 to 111 (text bolded):

According to the word of Allah to me, 'Mr. Yakub was seen by the twenty-three Scientists of the black nation, over 15,000 years ago. They predicted that in the year 8,400 (what was in our calendar year before this world of the white race), this man (Yakub) would be born twenty miles from the present Holy City, Mecca, Arabia. And, that at the time of his birth, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people would be: - 70 per cent satisfied, 30 per cent dissatisfied.'

And, that when this man is born, he will change civilization (the world), and produce a new race of people, who would rule the original black nation for 6,000 years (from the nine thousandth year to the fifteen thousandth year).

After that time, the original black nation would give birth to one, whose wisdom, Knowledge and power would be infinite. One, whom the world would recognize as being the greatest and mightiest God, since the creation of the universe. And, that He would destroy Yakub's world and restore the original nation, or ancient nation, into power to rule forever.


Mr Yakub was, naturally, born out of the 30 per cent dissatisfied. As we know, wherever there is a longing or demand for a change, nature will produce that man, who will bring it about.


At this point I would like to break from the discussion to question Joe: What was your original motivation in deliberately insulting my religious beliefs? (Nation of Islam isn't real Islam, they are racists)

I posted this thread to share the news of the London Mosque being raided, or as it turns out, having its door broken, by London police. I didn't originally post it to discuss my religious beliefs or black history, though both topics are certainly important to me. If Ceti Alpha, for example, posted a news story about an atheist organization being raided by police, I wouldn't respond to the post by insulting his atheist beliefs, no matter how I feel about them!

Also, I don't mean to avoid anyones questions or arguments here by any means. I am totally fine with continuing the discussion that has broken out.


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2010, 04:29:40 PM »
if blacks made whites, why is it that whites were in houses/advancing technology/etc. while blacks were still running around being tribal

and getting enslaved and brought here?

Did they set this all up to torture themselves?
Firstly, to say that blacks were "running around and being tribal" makes a mockery of African history, even "sub-saharan" Africa. Prior to European contact and colonization of west Africa, centralized empires had began to develop after contact with Muslims. I would recommend taking at least a glance at a couple of wiki pages on the topic for quick reading: Songhai Empire and Timbuktu. Timbuktu, as the page says, "is assumed to have had one of the first universities in the world."

If you're into books on the subject, I would recommend checking out They came before Columbus: The African presence in Ancient America

Secondly, to respond to the other parts of your question, the "why" and the "was it to torture themselves?"....

As we are taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the making of the white race was not a project undertaken by "black people in general" or even by any group of aurhorities (people in power) of that time....

According to the Nation of Islam, it was one black guy who created whites.  I guess he felt that only whites could rule and enslave.  I think most will agree that whites are physically weaker, so why he would choose to "create" a weaker race to rule is beyond my comprehension.  But again, it's all fairy tales from the Nation o' Islam.
It was not one black guy who made the white race, but it was one black man who came up with the idea to make the white race, who subsequently attracted followers and developed an institution which finished the process. As Joe argued earlier in the thread, it would take a long time from start to finish to complete the selective breeding process necessary.

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the process took 600 years, of which Yakub, the black man who started the process, only lived to see a portion of.

I'll quote from the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's book, Message to the Blackman in America, pages 110 to 111 (text bolded):

According to the word of Allah to me, 'Mr. Yakub was seen by the twenty-three Scientists of the black nation, over 15,000 years ago. They predicted that in the year 8,400 (what was in our calendar year before this world of the white race), this man (Yakub) would be born twenty miles from the present Holy City, Mecca, Arabia. And, that at the time of his birth, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people would be: - 70 per cent satisfied, 30 per cent dissatisfied.'

And, that when this man is born, he will change civilization (the world), and produce a new race of people, who would rule the original black nation for 6,000 years (from the nine thousandth year to the fifteen thousandth year).

After that time, the original black nation would give birth to one, whose wisdom, Knowledge and power would be infinite. One, whom the world would recognize as being the greatest and mightiest God, since the creation of the universe. And, that He would destroy Yakub's world and restore the original nation, or ancient nation, into power to rule forever.


Mr Yakub was, naturally, born out of the 30 per cent dissatisfied. As we know, wherever there is a longing or demand for a change, nature will produce that man, who will bring it about.


At this point I would like to break from the discussion to question Joe: What was your original motivation in deliberately insulting my religious beliefs? (Nation of Islam isn't real Islam, they are racists)

I posted this thread to share the news of the London Mosque being raided, or as it turns out, having its door broken, by London police. I didn't originally post it to discuss my religious beliefs or black history, though both topics are certainly important to me. If Ceti Alpha, for example, posted a news story about an atheist organization being raided by police, I wouldn't respond to the post by insulting his atheist beliefs, no matter how I feel about them!

Also, I don't mean to avoid anyones questions or arguments here by any means. I am totally fine with continuing the discussion that has broken out.

I decided i dont know enough about this to continue.  sorry if i hurt your feelings in any way rags.  were all people and we all believe in different things.  i think were all half alien and in 2012 they will come back and destroy us.  we are who we are and whats awesome that we can put shit aside and be friends regardless of the outside world.
"is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2010, 05:38:21 PM »
rag-time4, Nation of Islam, Scientology and The Church of Latter Day Saints all upset me more than other, established religions.  Believe me, even established religions disturb me greatly.  Sometimes I just want to say "Listen to what you are actually saying!"  All 3 religions were established by a single man who wanted power and/or money that results from such a thing (Elijah Muhammad, L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith, respectively).  I am not meaning to insult you personally.  If you were to attempt to insult atheism, I would not take it as a personal insult from you.  I would counter your arguments, but I wouldn't think you had an agenda against me personally. However I am sure that police make stupid moves all over the place.  If they would have busted in to a Jewish Synagogue instead under the same pretenses, would you have posted the story?

Nation of Islam seems to think that whites have a huge hard-on for ruling over blacks.  Farakkhan has said some very controversial things that can easily be construed as racist.  The NAACP jumps all over greeting cards that are not racist in any way and insist that they are.  I know, they are not the same organization, but the point I am trying to make is that if a white man said the same exact things that Farrakhan said only about black people, believe you me everyone would be all up in his ass screaming "racist!"  And they'd be right.  Racism doesn't only work in one direction.  As for Nation of Islam not being real Islam, that also is true.  There are many differences (I can list them if you'd like).  Ask any random Muslim if he (or she) believes that Allah came in the person of Wallace Fard aka The Dishonorable Elijah Muhammad.  Just the same as Christians will not concur that Jesus Christ came and appeared before Joseph Smith in the USA.  Though I should be careful about criticizing Fard/Elijah as I wouldn't want my house to be broken in to, 5 of my children, my 9-day-old grandson and a guest brutally murdered by members of the Nation o' Islam.  Oh wait, that already happened to some guy named Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 05:44:37 PM by Joe Redifer »

ceti alpha

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2010, 02:09:27 AM »
Rags, I just figured that you were already familiar with my stance on religion. heh. And really I have no issue with religion until it starts spitting out racist, or other potentially harmful rhetoric in the guise of divine truth, and Islam is most certainly not the only religion guilty of this.

As for "atheism", it's a term I reluctantly accept. I just find it odd to identify myself to something I scarcely think about - my disbelief in god. It's not like I believe in my disbelief. And everyone is an "atheist" to one degree or another. Muhammad, Christ, Abraham were all atheists in regards to the Greek and Nordic gods, though if you read the first commandment you might come to a different conclusion - "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me...". What I take out of the first commandment is that god is saying "Yeah, there are these other gods out there, but don't listen to them. Only I speak the truth.", which is sketchy at best. So, I would find it weird to be part of some Atheist organization since, besides the disbelief in god, there is no other overarching atheistic belief system. In fact, a lot of these "new atheists" like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris just piss me off more than anything else. They use atheism to draw in readers and then spout anti-Islam/anti-Arab nonsense trying to justify the illegal occupation of Palestine and other areas in world.

Anyway, you know I don't mean anything personal against you. Now get crackin' on Rtype! *cracks whip* :P

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2010, 10:01:46 AM »
I think I have the same religious view as ceti except instead of being atheist I believe in all religions :D .
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Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2010, 10:37:18 AM »
You must have many interesting conversations with yourself, Keranu.  :)


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #42 on: July 28, 2010, 12:00:28 PM »
Firstly, to say that blacks were "running around and being tribal" makes a mockery of African history, even "sub-saharan" Africa. Prior to European contact and colonization of west Africa, centralized empires had began to develop after contact with Muslims. I would recommend taking at least a glance at a couple of wiki pages on the topic for quick reading: Songhai Empire and Timbuktu. Timbuktu, as the page says, "is assumed to have had one of the first universities in the world."

They were running around and being tribal.  Battling, etc.  I took two classes on the stuff, it happened.  They weren't putting on suits, walking out of their homes and waving bye to the missus and trotting off to the office.  They were running around stabbing shit with spears, etc. 

"running around" is a stretch, yes.  They were tribal, primitive... but organized and detailed in everything.   

So my question is why'd they up and go LISTEN GUYS, WE NEED TO MAKE US A WHITE MAN TO CAPTURE US ON SOME BOATS AND MAKE US WORK IN FIELDS AND RAPE OUR WIMINS.    Doesn't make much sense, especially since the reason for various skin colors is biological and based off where you live.  Pale ass Europeans wouldn't fair too good basking in the African sun all day.

Also your book link contradicts the whole thing.  Its about before the white man came and f*cked them all up.  If that was them before the white man came, and they never went up to Europe-lands, how did the white man come down?  This makes no sense.  Did they gather in a circle and will a white man and his crew to appear from the shadows and enslave them!?  It's like the stupid Terminator nonsense.  How does John Connor send his dad back in time to make himself?  He didn't.  It makes no sense, and is wrong.  Just like this black mans made the white mans thing. 

Secondly, to respond to the other parts of your question, the "why" and the "was it to torture themselves?"....

As we are taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the making of the white race was not a project undertaken by "black people in general" or even by any group of aurhorities (people in power) of that time....

Honorable for what?  Being full of shit and annoying?
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #43 on: July 28, 2010, 02:18:33 PM »
You must have many interesting conversations with yourself, Keranu.  :)
All the time!
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Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2010, 03:14:08 PM »
The difference between black slaves and with you and I is that the slaves were captured and brought here against their will, while we as whites are more likely to have been descendant from immigrants.

Seeing  as the black slaves were enslaved/sold to the white man by OTHER black people (usually a conquering tribe, etc.)...yet WHITEY IS THE DEVIL?  As said before in this thread, racism goes both ways (and sometimes much worse from black to whites) the rhetoric has just gotten old.

I think I have the same religious view as ceti except instead of being atheist I believe in all religions :D .

I thought you were an ardent follower of Islam as well?  :-k
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 03:18:55 PM by nectarsis »
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