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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2010, 03:52:18 PM »
I think I have the same religious view as ceti except instead of being atheist I believe in all religions :D .

I thought you were an ardent follower of Islam as well?  :-k
I am, but I believe all religions and beliefs share truths in one way or another. Personally I find this to be an aspect of Islam, even if it includes religions established after Muhammad. We're all in this bitch known as life together ;) .
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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2010, 05:31:46 AM »
I am, but I believe all religions and beliefs share truths in one way or another. Personally I find this to be an aspect of Islam, even if it includes religions established after Muhammad. We're all in this bitch known as life together ;) .

From everything I know about Islam, that seems like the very opposite of it. But whatever makes you happy :)
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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2010, 05:57:47 AM »
I think I have the same religious view as ceti except instead of being atheist I believe in all religions :D .

This sounds like flower child hippie crap. You have to at least pick and choose some portions of it because most of them contradict each other in some way (when they aren't contradicting themselves).

Along with what nectarsis said, people just generally treat people like shit no matter what race the other person is. The palastinians and jews are basically of the same origins as far as i'm concerned but they have been killing each other for the last X hundreds of year. Black people in Africa still kill each other. They don't stop because they're black. Maybe if everyone was taught to have a moral center and make decisions (instead of it being handed to them in a book) about right and wrong we wouldn't have all these religious morons telling people to kill in their gods name for economic gain and actually being successful at doing it. Organized religion is about control and agendas and always will be.
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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2010, 02:14:53 PM »
Quote from: guyjin
From everything I know about Islam, that seems like the very opposite of it. But whatever makes you happy

Does Islam not bring a sense of unity among people of Abrahamic faiths? Does Allah consider himself to be a separate deity from Judaism and Christianity? Does the Quran not refer to Jews and Christians as "People of the book"? Ask Muslims at your nearest mosque about how they feel about this issue. From my experience, Muslims embrace Jews and Christians as brothers and the mosque I attend holds regular cross religious discussions with nearby churches and synagogues. There's a lot more peace between religions than people take for granted.

This sounds like flower child hippie crap. You have to at least pick and choose some portions of it because most of them contradict each other in some way (when they aren't contradicting themselves).

I do not view religion as literally as you two do. Religion is free to everyone's own interpretation (for good or bad) and if someone like me that believes in a universal harmony between all people, species, and life, why would anyone want to criticize that? I'm promoting peace; should I be a terrorist instead?

I agree with Senshi that organized religion can (and has) been problematic, maybe because it inhibits followers from gathering their own interpretation. Religions generally start off with a good and peaceful cause -- in the case of Muhammad, he risked his life to spread a message that would eventually replace the cruel practices of Quraysh, who brutally owned slaves and buried female babies alive. It wasn't until literally after the death of the prophet that Islam would branch off into different sects, mostly for political reasons. What I'm getting at here is that religion isn't necessarily the problem as people taking advantage of it for their own greed and power are. I really don't believe religion is the primary cause behind Israel/Palestine, Ireland/England, and even North/south Nigeria, etc... Heck some of the biggest pro-Palestine advocates aren't even Muslims (Edward Said, Jimmy Carter, ceti_alpha :D ).

Everyone has a right to believe and practice what they want, no matter how unscientific or ridiculous it is. I've always admired the Mormons because no matter how hip it is to make fun of them, they have always been able to hold a cool and friendly attitude. Militant atheists convincing believers that their religion is wrong is just as dogmatic as Evangelical Christians proclaiming you're going to hell for not accepting Christ. As long as people aren't harming others, let them believe or disbelieve whatever they want. If we want peace we have to learn to accept differences and move on.
Quote from: Bonknuts
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Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2010, 07:16:01 PM »
Except that there ARE lots of people harming others in the name of religion.

I also do not believe in granting people special rights because of their culture or religion.  For example, if a workplace has a certain uniform, someone from Islam should not be able to bypass it and wear the shit that they do (saw a K-Mart employee with lots of garb wrapped around her).
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 07:18:26 PM by Joe Redifer »


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2010, 07:21:46 PM »
Militant atheists convincing believers that their religion is wrong is just as dogmatic as Evangelical Christians proclaiming you're going to hell for not accepting Christ. As long as people aren't harming others, let them believe or disbelieve whatever they want. If we want peace we have to learn to accept differences and move on.
The problem with this is that the militant atheists are generally the correct ones... and whether or not people are harming each other has little to do with religion itself. Religion simply justifies one's harmful tendencies. But doesn't it make a hell of a lot more sense to live with the truth rather than ancient lies? The world would be a better place and we would all get along a hell of a lot better if the centuries of lies were cast off of the people.

When I see 16 year olds proclaiming all kinds of religious dogma on forums, it makes me sad to know that those people are the future of the human race...


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2010, 07:31:59 PM »
Except that there ARE lots of people harming others in the name of religion.
Just because extremists harm others in the name of their religion doesn't make them an authority of religious interpretation. Do people really believe all or even most Muslims are terrorists?

Quote from: Joe
I also do not believe in granting people special rights because of their culture or religion.  For example, if a workplace has a certain uniform, someone from Islam should not be able to bypass it and wear the shit that they do (saw a K-Mart employee with lots of garb wrapped around her).
I could agree with this to some degree. But if the person can still be just as easily recognized as an employee I don't see how it would be a problem to anyone.
Quote from: Bonknuts
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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2010, 07:58:00 PM »
Militant atheists convincing believers that their religion is wrong is just as dogmatic as Evangelical Christians proclaiming you're going to hell for not accepting Christ. As long as people aren't harming others, let them believe or disbelieve whatever they want. If we want peace we have to learn to accept differences and move on.
The problem with this is that the militant atheists are generally the correct ones... and whether or not people are harming each other has little to do with religion itself. Religion simply justifies one's harmful tendencies. But doesn't it make a hell of a lot more sense to live with the truth rather than ancient lies? The world would be a better place and we would all get along a hell of a lot better if the centuries of lies were cast off of the people.

When I see 16 year olds proclaiming all kinds of religious dogma on forums, it makes me sad to know that those people are the future of the human race...
Nod you have to remember that religion is often a very spiritual experience for some believers. No matter how much science says this couldn't have happened or this isn't possible, it's meaningless to people who feel some kind of higher power in all of this mumbo-jumbo. Call it dogmatic if you'd like, but some people find peace when they take up religion. I've known people who used to live by the bottle and have troubled lives until they picked up a Bible and felt at peace going to church every Sunday. I know that sounds like some romantic idea from a film script, but as blasphemous as Christianity may be, I wouldn't dare try changing that person's beliefs because for whatever scientific (or unexplainable reason), it's what that person needs to help him through his life. Some need rehab, some need drugs, all people are different and unique.

Having a 100% atheist population won't prevent wars, neither if the whole world converted to Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion under the sun. I believe in secularism and as long as religion is separate from governmental power, I don't see anything wrong with it. Religion either clicks with an individual or it doesn't, no need for either side to fight over it :) .
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 08:00:34 PM by Keranu »
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).

ceti alpha

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2010, 02:00:46 AM »
Heck some of the biggest pro-Palestine advocates aren't even Muslims (Edward Said, Jimmy Carter, ceti_alpha :D ).


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2010, 07:00:18 PM »
rag-time4, Nation of Islam, Scientology and The Church of Latter Day Saints all upset me more than other, established religions.  Believe me, even established religions disturb me greatly.  Sometimes I just want to say "Listen to what you are actually saying!"  All 3 religions were established by a single man who wanted power and/or money that results from such a thing (Elijah Muhammad, L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith, respectively).  I am not meaning to insult you personally.  If you were to attempt to insult atheism, I would not take it as a personal insult from you.  I would counter your arguments, but I wouldn't think you had an agenda against me personally. However I am sure that police make stupid moves all over the place.  If they would have busted in to a Jewish Synagogue instead under the same pretenses, would you have posted the story?

Nation of Islam seems to think that whites have a huge hard-on for ruling over blacks.  Farakkhan has said some very controversial things that can easily be construed as racist.  The NAACP jumps all over greeting cards that are not racist in any way and insist that they are.  I know, they are not the same organization, but the point I am trying to make is that if a white man said the same exact things that Farrakhan said only about black people, believe you me everyone would be all up in his ass screaming "racist!"  And they'd be right.  Racism doesn't only work in one direction.  As for Nation of Islam not being real Islam, that also is true.  There are many differences (I can list them if you'd like).  Ask any random Muslim if he (or she) believes that Allah came in the person of Wallace Fard aka The Dishonorable Elijah Muhammad.  Just the same as Christians will not concur that Jesus Christ came and appeared before Joseph Smith in the USA.  Though I should be careful about criticizing Fard/Elijah as I wouldn't want my house to be broken in to, 5 of my children, my 9-day-old grandson and a guest brutally murdered by members of the Nation o' Islam.  Oh wait, that already happened to some guy named Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis.
Joe, thank you very much for the response. I understand better where you're coming from, and I'll do my best to have thick skin as well as patience and good manners. Just a quick response to a few things you said here, then I want to backtrack a bit and respond to earlier posts...

Firstly, unlike white racist groups who believe that black people are genetically predisposed to inferiority, everything that we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad believe about the white race has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with the actual process of how the white race came into being and what that led to culturally. Minister Farrakhan has said that he believes someday that white people will be allowed to join the Nation of Islam, and he has also commented on how we are capable of breaking free of our past (out of the potter's mold, I think is what he said, it's been a while but I still have the tape) and truly accepting Islam.

Secondly, Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are two separate people.

Thirdly, thank you for bringing in the history of Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis. I had never heard of him before. However, after putting his name into google I found a TIME magazine article in which the author said that the Nation of Islam leadership denied having anything to do with the killing of his children. I believe that while members or former members of the Nation of Islam were guilty of the crimes, that the U.S. government likely had a role as well, as it was official policy to disrupt black organizations under J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO program.

Fourthly and finally, I may well have posted a story about a Jewish synagogue being busted into by police, had I found it, because it would be even more shocking (though no more acceptable) than police harrassment of the Nation of Islam. However, police terrorism, brutality, and harrassment is not to my knowledge a major issue for the Jewish community in western countries these days, though it certainly is for the black and the Muslim communities (with the Nation of Islam scoring a double whammy). When was the last time a Jewish synagogue was busted into by police, particularly on suspicion that the Jews inside were manufacturing/growing illegal drugs? One thing I would NEVER do, however, would be to respond to someone else, particularly someone of Jewish faith or heritage, who posted such a story by attacking his/her beliefs or heritage. You're atheist (right?) so I can understand why you might attack Judaism or Jewish people, but I think it would be bad form in a context of a news story of Jews being harrassed by police (or any other group that might target them)...


Quote from: Black Tiger topic=8434.msg142541#msg142541
Quote from: rag-time4 on July 24, 2010, 12:04:39 AM
How can you be considered "free" if you are bound to submit to someone else's legal system?

Because they are free to leave and choose any other society to live in. They're also free to vote to to change the "legal system" and/or anything else in the society they're currently in. They're also free to say anything they want. America and Canada are free countries and nobody's forcing you to stay. Whatever the law of the land is, at this point it is what it is, even though it's constantly evolving. The human world isn't perfect, but you don't get any "free-er" than having an equal say in your country and the freedom to come and go as you please. Even "if" the law of the land was inherently "racist" or prejudiced (in the States it kinda is with gay rights), no one has to submit to anything because they are free to go.

Tiger, on one hand, you (and Joe) are right... black people are free to do something for self. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in his Saviour's Day address of 1974.... even if whites do things to hinder black people, he says, "The Earth is large".... When blacks were enslaved, they were certainly not free to do for self. However, does the ending of slavery end the responsibility of the enslaver?

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote, in Message to the Blackman, p.227 (text bolded):

During the time of the Emancipation Proclamation we were scattered to the winds without any knowledge or ability to undertake the responsibilities of a half freedom. Our fathers, lacking the skills and the training needed to provide themselves, were forced to remain with the masters in order to receive even the barest necessities of life.

Our former slave-masters, knowing of our dependence upon them, maliciously and hatefully adopted attitudes and social and educational systems that have deprived us of the opportunity to become free and independent right up to the present day.

But we, the black slaves of this soil of bondage, were not deprived of the freedom to fight in America's wars, but we are deprived of the right to fight for our own freedom.

You cannot deny that even after the ratification of the thirteenth amendment, black people were not universally free to vote in the U.S. and thereby influence society in their own interest. Black people in the south were forced to attend second-class segregated schools, and to this very day there is a problem of de-facto racial segregation in education. Black people have often been discriminated against in terms of housing, and were not allowed to live in some neighborhoods. Additionally, the most well known advocate of black repatriation to Africa, Marcus Garvey, was subject to U.S. government harrassment and ultimately imprisonment and deportation... and his efforts to develop Liberia were suppressed by British interests there. The struggle for social, economic, and political equality is still ongoing.

Perhaps even more important are issues of national / cultural identity of the slaves and their descendants.

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes on pages 44-45 (text bolded):

After blinding them to the knowledge of self and their own kind for 400 years, the slave-masters refuse to civilize the so-called Negroes into the knowledge of themselves of which they were robbed. The slave-masters also persecute and hinder anyone who tries to perform this most rightful duty.

I will continue to say that as long as the so-called Negroes do not know who they really are and do not have the knowledge to free themselves from their slave-masters' names and religion, they cannot be considered free or civilized.

As it was with Daniel in the Bible, the black slaves were stripped of their own names and given European names, with surnames of their owners. You may argue, and you would be correct to do so, that black people are free to drop their European names and adopt new ones. However, what has America done to encourage black people to do so? It took a Messenger from God Himself to make it happen, because the former enslavers did not make any effort to restore the stolen identity of black people.

Therefore, the thirteenth amendment did not give the former slaves true freedom, because they did not suddenly gain the werewithal to build a nation of their own and do for self as any free people should do. We who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad believe that God Himself has come to give black people a true knowledge of self (self identity based on truth), which will position black people to reach their true potential.

And what about Oscar Grant, the young man killed by the BART cop on New Years, 2009. He failed to make it home. Can't blame the cop, though, for Grant's failure.

When you blame the actions of a single person on an entire race, whether or not that single person was motivated by racism them self, you are being truly racist. Especially when it comes to the wide range of enthicities that fall under the banner of "white".

That kind of police brutality happens regularly in Canada and society in general condemns it. A man in this Province was arrested for drinking a beer outside a hockey rink and in the jail cell block at the local police station while unarmed and face down, an officer shot him in the back of the head. Is that an indication of the lack of true freedom that [insert race of choice] has in our society?

As long as a person is lost in a skewed world view that pits specific races against each other, they'll never be free of the racist society of their own creation.
I'm not blaming the actions of the BART police officer on an entire race, and I agree with your first point here. Blaming his actions on racist undercurrents in society, however, is another matter entirely.

Yes, I think that a police killing like the one you described does indicate the lack of true freedom of [insert race of choice] has in society. If people of all races are regularly subject to police brutality, we need to unite and get our police forces under control. If certain groups suffer police brutality more than others, as black people do here in the U.S., we should be able to listen to and seriously address their grievances, without accusing them of being racist or divisive for speaking out against police brutality.

Joe Redifer

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2010, 09:02:09 PM »
All the slave masters and slaves in the United States are dead.  Have been for a while.  Yes, it took a long time for blacks to get all of their rights and freedoms.  No one can or should deny that.  The nation was primitive and still is in many ways.  Primitive people fear change and therefore it takes a while to happen.  Like they said in The Honorable Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; "If there is to be a brave, new world, our generation will have the hardest time living in it."  Because of exactly that, change must be made in small steps.  It is also for this very reason that people still believe in religions.  They don't know any better and you simply cannot ask a believer to stop believing what he has believed since his childhood or whatnot.  It will take a long time, but eventually religion will go away for the most part.  Sure, you can say that would make for a much less desirable world to live in, but people said the same thing about blacks and women being able to vote only a few generations ago. 

On that thought, why don't I ever see or hear about any female Nation of Islam members?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 09:06:34 PM by Joe Redifer »

ceti alpha

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #56 on: August 04, 2010, 04:46:48 AM »
Like they said in The Honorable Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; "If there is to be a brave, new world, our generation will have the hardest time living in it."  Because of exactly that, change must be made in small steps.  It is also for this very reason that people still believe in religions.

Klingons have the best quotes. lol

As for the last time a Jewish synagogue got raided, I wouldn't know, but I remember several years back a couple members of the Jewish Defense League got charged and arrested for conspiracy. But they're a bunch of nut-bar terrorists.

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #57 on: August 04, 2010, 06:32:52 AM »
I usually don't take part in religious discussions, because someone inevitably blows a gasket.

This sounds like flower child hippie crap. You have to at least pick and choose some portions of it because most of them contradict each other in some way (when they aren't contradicting themselves).

The correct term is Pantheism, and It's quite legitimate according to theologians.

Hiduism is by nature pantheistic, absorbing and assimilating aspects of the other major religions as well as the local animistic religions (in East Asia, i.e. the Buddha Sakyamuni is the 9th avatar of the God Vishnu), In Northern India; Jainism (The concept of Ahimsa; Truthfullness and a basis of Business ethics, as the Jains were and are very respected merchants due to their vows of truthfulness, and their inability to hold Agriculture jobs) In China, India and Tibet, aspects of Theravadha and Mahayana Buddhism were incorporated in the early part of the first Julian Millennium (structure, tradtions, paintings, etc), and in Japan and China respectively, although much less due to the proximity and it's relatively late entrance onto the religions scene Renzai-Zen and Soto-Zen Buddhism influenced the inter-relations of the family unit (discipline, honor, and a vow of fealty to one's elders). All of these things, in one aspect or another are amalgamated into the evolving Hindu religion, which has actually stagnated in the last 500 years. The fact that there are several sets of holy books that take place in separate areas across Asia (The Vedas, The Forest Books, The Upanishads, and the later epics), tells me that's Exactly what they are doing. Taking what they like, using what works at the time, and leaving the rest behind.

I guess, by your logic, The Hindu's were the original flower children, which would explain the thousands-strong western Hippie communes in Goa India. So you're not entirely wrong, your delivery was just abrasive. Whether or not it's crap, I'll let you take that up with one of Vishnu's followers :mrgreen:

I'll leave you all with this: My 2 cents.

[Thu 10:04] <Tatsujin> hasd a pasrtty asnd a after pasrty ASDFTERTHE PARTY
Arkhan [05:15pm]: ill brbl im going to go make another free game noone plays lolol


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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #58 on: August 04, 2010, 07:19:55 PM »
I pray at the Church of Arkhan.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: London Metropolitan Police raid Nation of Islam Mosque!!
« Reply #59 on: August 04, 2010, 07:28:35 PM »
I pray at the Church of Arkhan.
I believe in that one too.
Quote from: Bonknuts
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