You can't seriously mean to insinuate that the FX's RPG library is even in the same universe as the Engine's.
...or maybe I missed the FX games that actually rated with Tengai Makyo, Y's, Seiya Monogatari, or even the Telenet and Rayforce stuff.
As for the FX>N64 thing...nah, I can't really buy that either. The N64 really sucks and all, I know, many actual action games does the FX have? Like, games with sprites you control and do stuff like shoot or run and jump, or punch people. Are there even...six?
The N64 has...I don't know, Bangai O. Sin and Punishment. There you go, two games that I personally don't own, nor am I a fan of, that combined (if not individually) beat the entire FX library. f*ck, Mario Party 4 pretty much beats the FX library, or at least all but three games. The FX doesn't even have a f*cking Bomberman game.
I'm not sure the FX is even better than the Jag/3DO/CD-i. I'd rather have one, obviously, but would it be more fun? On the 3DO you have Policenauts...that beats every FX game I've ever played.