Lets try this again minus the lolwar
I think we need to keep the Insanity train rolling.
So here is a little contest.
A high-score contest of sorts.
5 lucky weeners will get I'm Insane for Insanity copies of Insanity. Scribbled on by yours truly. You can then love them, burn them, ebay them for a retarded sum, or be like "I don't want that crap, keep it"
All you have to do is the following:
Play the game in predator mode, and see how far you get.
To get to predator mode, hold one of the 4 cardinal directions down while pressing Run to start the game.
I am not telling you which direction to press, only because now you get to try them all and see the other hidden stuff: Arcade Mode, HyperMode (good luck), and an early Pyramid Plunder Prototype!
To prove you are playing Predator mode, either:
1) film the whole thing with a camera and upload it to youtube! (cutting the video if you manage longer than 10 minutes)
2) Play in Ootake and use the video recording option and send me the file or use some other PC video recording thing and YouTube the video!
3) Take pictures (pause it or something) or Screenshots in an emulator. You can pause it when you get shot and killt that last time and see your final score before the screen blacks out.
It is sort of lurpy, since theres that whole "I forgot to deal with high scores" thing, but I think we're all smart enough to handle it!
and the good news is, the Retrocade has highscore stuff. No forgetting this time.
Keep checking Aetherbyte.com for news on the Retrocade. Pyramid plunder is turning out excellent thanks to new graphical work. No more of my crappy artwork.
I like chicken, I like liver, meow mix meow mix PLEASE DELIVER.
Jasonbar: 30,030
Necromancer: 28,640
Roy The Sunderer: 23440
TheClash603: 20760
Tablet: 8100