I wouldn't mind getting Blazing Lasers, R-Type and Bloody Wolf, that latter I had but my Express broke. In the end, if I get that Everquest FlashCard and it works with everything, I won't really care about the originals. It just would be nice, once in a blue moon, to pick up my Express and have everything available at my fingertips. I dunno, at $90 bucks for 5 games, it's $18 a piece, so it's not too bad a deal, plus 3 of the games are well-rated for their genres (2 top shooters and 1 top action game). I have Victory Run and for a racing game, I thought it was so-so, and the other game I don't have an opinion about, but yeah, considering what I've been seeing, it's decent. Would you say it's a pretty bad deal because you've seen these games sell for much cheaper individually, less than $18 ? (Hm, it might actually even out given current prices that I quickly glanced at given one shipping rate for all 5 - It's a close call, though.)