This is not an ebay listing but would like to see what you guys think of this craiglist listing. Personally I think he is overpricing just about everything.
Jaguar with Cd addon WORKING, comes with two controllers one is six button controller, the jaguar box, tempest 2000, AvP with overlay, Kasumi ninja complete, and cyber morph all for 300
I have a Neo Geo AES with one controller the arcade one, with samurai spirits II and magicians quest all complete and has the debug menu so you can play games in any region and have infinite lives and such but you would have to provide your own av cord cause im included the cord for the sega cd im selling. 300
I have a sega cd model 1 rare version with sega model 1 about 6 controllers, with Popful Mail complete (rare), sol feace, mortal kombat cd, prize fight and some genesis games, selling for 250
Selling sega nomad with battery adapter for 60 dollars
selling snes 2nd model with mario all star, mario rpg, donkey kong 1 2 3 also included some other games with box and 1 controller for 200
selling Turbo grafix 16 with cd addon and 4 games of your choice, two controller and turbo pad for 350
selling Turbo duo with about 5 games with one controller for 450
selling my entire nes collection about 30 games some rare ones like dragon warrior IV with both nes toploader and toaster model. about 4 controllers and 1 nes advantage for 330
selling atari 5200 4 port model with box and 3 games for 70 dollars
selling atari 7800 and atari jr with some unopened 7800 games two which are rare for 200 and comes with rare nes like controller
intellivision with rare vampire game and some sports game for 90
Also have some rare ps1 and ps2 games like suikoden II and Suikoden IV and other assortments of non open collectors editions