I'm tired of seeing systems that I've obviously modded and sold to someone on here or on ebay for a normal price only to find it being resold on ebay 3-5 months later for an outrageous amount. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PC-Engine-CDrom-lot-PC-Case-Mods-US-Japan-Svideo-19-games-/351075179467?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51bdb61bcb
Yes, he is including games but they are only worth around $350 total. A fair price for selling the system with games would be $650 or so.
Yeah, that really does suck. Only way I can think of to stop it would be to always have a system on ebay that you modified to keep the prices low and stable...
Resellers would instead buy that and flip it, just as they do all Turbo games and hardware.
Only thing that can be done is being very selective who you'll provide your services for.
Agreed. Being very selective is the only feasible way to deal with asshats.
Also, keeping a record of serial numbers and "tracking" hardware would be fun, but hard to pull off without everyone's cooperation.
RANDOM THOUGHT (belongs somewhere else, but I'll be damned if I know where): I don't know if any of you folks were into punk/hardcore/indie music in the 80's, but it was very common for bands/labels to put DISCLAIMERS on the actual inserts/booklets saying "Pay no more than ________ for this record" and provide an address to order stuff at fair prices. Lots of bands wanted their music available for a fair price, but were thwarted to keep prices low (outside of direct sales under their control) because distributors/record shops (outside of band's control) would slap a standard price tag on all items (higher profit margin).
The problem for us, though, is that we don't have an audience of DIY punks who want "Fair for All"...we have idiots who will actually spend cash indiscriminately.