What is up with this? I think its just a fluke. Am I missing something? http://m.ebay.com/itm/151379677088
Quote from: toymachine78 on August 17, 2014, 01:51:46 PMWhat is up with this? I think its just a fluke. Am I missing something? http://m.ebay.com/itm/151379677088Well, off the top, it appears to be void of Turbo gouging...That said, I have no idea why that game would get bid up so high...
Some pretty ridiculous price gouging over on Amazon also, especially on those TTI titles. You can however score some decent deals on some PCengine imports on there tho.
For you newbs, dealisdead on eBay is a forum member. You'll have to get to know the peeps to figure out which one.
I'm not sorry about this, as I'm not sorry about ANY attack by the goverrats.
Quote from: nullity on August 20, 2014, 07:20:55 AMOMG THIS DEALISDEAD GUY IS SUCH A GOUGERhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/SEALED-LORDS-OF-THUNDER-TURBOGRAFX-TG16-DUO-WICKED-HTF-AND-SUCH-TEH-RARE-/301285751823WHAT A BUTT-TARD! Thanks for sharing this one! "Lords of Thunderscats" I nearly pissed myself laughing. "Never played (today)"
Quote from: toymachine78 on August 20, 2014, 02:13:56 PMFor you newbs, dealisdead on eBay is a forum member. You'll have to get to know the peeps to figure out which one. It's galam and IDK why that's supposed to be privileged information.And after the Xth fake eBay auction the joke wears a little thin IMO.