At Nintendo Age, someone suggested buying the bootleg, then complaining to ebay that it is counterfeit. They will refund your money and not require you to return the item. Try to hurt the bootleggers more than just getting the listing removed.
That's pretty f*cked up actually.
It serves them right for selling bootlegs on ebay. f*cking leeches deserve no money for it.
First repro I ever spotted on eBay was Terranigma a few years ago and I was dumbfounded that nobody did anything about it. But every listing sold is cash in eBay's pocket so I don't see them trying too hard to do the right thing here.
This puzzles me too, but it all comes down to the rights holders' veracity. It is up to Konami to act on this.
Years ago I was selling DVDs on eBay and one auction kept getting shut down by eBay. It was a retail DVD, completely legal, but it was a documentary about the band Tool, which apparently they didn't like... You could walk into a music store and buy this DVD, you could buy it on Amazon and tons of other legit retail sources.. but eBay kept taking down the auctions, and finally I stopped trying to sell it, because they threatened to suspend my account over it... In my case, the band had no right to ask for removal, yet it was granted over and over.