Author Topic: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )  (Read 176829 times)


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2385 on: June 04, 2012, 04:26:50 AM »
the sad thing is, these 2 looser pimp-wanna-be can't even get real hotties to take pics with.  The E3 chicks are okay, fake-cute asian chicks that are a mil a plenty in Tokyo.  The other dude's?  forget a bout it. 

The should bow down and obey Tokei-sama.  Look at the hotties I got.. sheit, can you say hotties Mami Inoue & No-ri-ko!  These 2 vintage beauties smoke those chicks... lol


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2386 on: June 04, 2012, 10:43:32 AM »
I just wanted to chime in here to say that I wish I knew about this place before I did my auction.  I was glad that it was brought to my attention that my auction was ridiculous.  I obviously was trying to make some good money on my stuff, but I just didn't figure that I was that crazy off on things since all I ever saw or read said that tg16 stuff sold for a ton.  My local stores and competition sell tg16 stuff for very high prices and say they sell that stuff all the time for those prices.  Coming here people have put me in my place so to speak and got to me to see things differently.  I'm still a business and will always have a profit motive over preserving game heritage, but I can try to be more reasonable with pricing and for me my reputation is more important than anything and last thing I want to be known as is a gouging a-hole who is hated.  I am very sensitive to this as my prices for other items I buy and sell all the time like nes and snes are competitive and not gouging and i'm very comfortable in that arena.  I fully admit I was being a noob and had an auction that was priced way too high for stuff that while it's rare and good, is not worth as much as I was told and thought and at least dealing here for reasonable prices I don't feel dirty.

I am pretty much a victim of noobness and misinformation and maybe a little bit of greed at the idea that my stuff was a pile of gold from the info I had available.  Most auctions and market data for these games didn't include the boxes and were just jewel case sales mostly and in some cases that can add a lot of value to the games.  Double in some cases for nes/snes games and I didn't know if that applied here.  I will never make that mistake again and make an ass out of myself with a ridiculous auction that might have hurt my reputation.  I just NEVER run into tg16 stuff and I have been doing the buy/sell/trade thing for years.  I just randomly had someone call in my office then drive over here with a large box of tg16 stuff so it all just fell in my lap and I had to run with it since I need to move products fast.  Normally this isn't a problem, but with these I couldn't just use my "merchant head" and price and move on since I was stuck wondering if this was a holy grail that come into my possession and would net me a lot of money.  Naive, that's me.

Anyways, I hope after my deals here are finalized I will have some rep here and maybe you all will forgive me for trashing your heritage.  I hope my even coming here is a sign of good nature.  I will be watching this thread because it's fascinating to see all the craziness that goes on.  I'm always seeing things from the merchant side but it's nice to see things from the customer side too.

Take care all.  I may post some more, but I mainly wanted to get this off my chest. 
If you are interested in more than tg16, check out my store at  I will change this signature if I post tg16 items to my store.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2387 on: June 04, 2012, 10:45:36 AM »
bald man.  You good with us.  :)


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2388 on: June 04, 2012, 10:56:41 AM »
bald man.  You good with us.  :)

Yep. :)


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2389 on: June 04, 2012, 11:01:22 AM »
Nicely put, bald.  It's refreshing to see someone admit to their faults and motivations, rather than the usual clowns storming in, ranting and raving about how we're all naive idiots that don't know a good deal when we see it.
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2390 on: June 04, 2012, 01:32:29 PM »
Would now be a good time to ask for another 10% off my purchases Baldguy?   :-"
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2391 on: June 04, 2012, 01:39:46 PM »
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2392 on: June 04, 2012, 01:41:33 PM »
rather than the usual clowns storming in, ranting and raving about how we're all naive idiots that don't know a good deal when we see it.

but in fact, we don't know a good deal when we see it, that's why we're all le poor (and le dumb) :(
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2393 on: June 04, 2012, 02:05:33 PM »
you did right Deadite... ripping off young kids who are exploring this wonderful world of retro gaming is not right.  $70 is nothing to us adults but a big sum to kiddies.   

The main reason I posted this was the blatant lie.  Soldering a few RCA jacks to a genny then telling someone "this is the best there is" is flat out scamming.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2394 on: June 04, 2012, 03:52:46 PM »
Nicely put, Baldy. Wish all sellers were as humble as yourself. I fear you are in the minority though.
F@ck Ebay Club member since 2010
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2395 on: June 04, 2012, 05:33:09 PM »
bald man.  You good with us.  :)

Yep. :)

For sure, I got 2 good deals from you bro


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2396 on: June 05, 2012, 09:44:55 PM »
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2397 on: June 06, 2012, 01:03:27 AM »
Anyways, I hope after my deals here are finalized I will have some rep here and maybe you all will forgive me for trashing your heritage.  I hope my even coming here is a sign of good nature.  I will be watching this thread because it's fascinating to see all the craziness that goes on.  I'm always seeing things from the merchant side but it's nice to see things from the customer side too.

Take care all.  I may post some more, but I mainly wanted to get this off my chest.  

Well, good thing that nobody found your picture before coming here and doing your auction, otherwise Tatsujin might've had a little fun with it making your first post here that much more uncomfortable. ;) Sorry we couldn't do business, BTW... :cry: I went back and checked, I did actually send you my patented $5 offer, sadly, you refused, but hey, at least I tried! Heh-heh.

I have to admit, it's rare to see someone respond to harsh criticism and actually vindicate the fact that it can actually change someone's mind to such a degree. Most would never admit it. The type of "activism" that I see here is mainly to vent (as well as provide entertainment at times if possible) and I suspect that most people here don't think it can actually help "make things better." You really didn't have to take us seriously (Jay/megahit79 sure doesn't), and you're losing some time breaking that set up and making individual sales to people here, so that's very cool of you. Everyone that has bought something from you states that they are happy with the deals that they got, so I'll take their word for it.

I'm still a business and will always have a profit motive over preserving game heritage,

I actually understand this and guys like megahit79, you're essentially in the resale business and the objective profit motive will always take precedence (plus you have far more expenses than an individual, especially if you have a brick/mortar physical location in addition to an online operation). That's how you stay IN business, after all! It's as simple as: the market value is what people are willing to pay for it (e.g. on places like eBay) and if one guy is willing to give you $50 bucks for it and another guy is willing to give you $100 bucks, well, gosh golly, who would you rather do business with? Hm, real tough choice here, but I'm guessing the $100 offer sounds more appealing! ;)

The natural inclination of a seller is to wanna sell for as high as possible and the natural inclination of a buyer is to wanna buy for as low as possible. Neither side wants to get ripped off; you want a respectable profit and the buyer wants a respectable deal - both sides need to be informed for that to happen. Selling for outrageous amounts from the get-go (as in, for a great deal more than what is usually seen) is an indicator that the seller is relying on uninformed/ignorant buyers to click BIN which is when morality enters into it and a judgment can be made about that seller's character (they're fishing for suckers to take the bait). Just like the movie, there's the good, the bad, and the ugly (a movie which coincidentally was all about bags of gold and human character!)! And megahit79 definitely falls on the ugly side with his lucky "$30,000 dollar" lottery of a SNK cart and his 20,000% markup on .50 cent glasses!

I will be watching this thread because it's fascinating to see all the craziness that goes on.

I agree BTW, I have found this thread to be the most fascinating on this board because it's only recently that I learned about what was going on with eBay and the skyrocketing of prices for NEC games. When I resumed visiting this board after a long absence, someone wound up selling Beyond Shadowgate on here for what I thought was an outrageous amount, but I was unaware of what the eBay-effect had done. This thread gave me a crash course, and mind you, normally I'm a free market kind of guy, but when I'm seeing creatures like megahit79 do what they do, I can't help but feel some disgust! But, that's freedom, gotta take the bad with the good! Best you can do is warn people so that they don't do business with a guy like that!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 04:55:27 AM by NightWolve »


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2398 on: June 06, 2012, 04:32:35 AM »
I found some chump selling some manuals/cases on eBay nothing amazing, but he wanted quite a lot for them.  I sent him a lowball offer near the end via message, expecting him to barter.  He said sorry he's already been offered more, and was just waiting for the auction ends.

As expected, they get listed again as BIN straight after they ended.  I'm tempted to give him the same offer, but I don't really want to deal with someone prepared to lie to me to gain profit.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2399 on: June 06, 2012, 04:11:22 PM »