Starting bid: £650.00Buy Now Price: £1,300.00 price for a brand new one on UK Ebay is £45
That Bonk's 3 listing is eff'd up. It looks pretty legit though. The box is in great looking condition. However, if you look at his listings ALL of his TG-16 games are sealed. That's a bit messed up. One game I can understand, maybe he fluked into finding one in someone's attic, but every single game?! These have to be resealed.I like this one;$20 for the manual, and case for Devil's Crush, but the game is not included??? WTF???
Quote from: SuperPlay on July 07, 2012, 07:08:17 AMStarting bid: £650.00Buy Now Price: £1,300.00 price for a brand new one on UK Ebay is £45Bah, I wanted to "inform him" of the fact that there is still an online store that has these in stock for 49.90 GBP (his supplier, perhaps? ), but I'd have to make a UK eBay account to do so. It looks like from his description, it's NOT even the RGB modded one which you can get for 20 GBP more from the same
Has anyone else noticed how eBay has started putting "average" prices for all their auctions in each listing? Just scroll down a little in this listing and look under the main photo: how it says; Have one to sell?Sell it yourself$150.00AvgAverage my ass! More like a "gouged average!"