Author Topic: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )  (Read 176838 times)


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2625 on: July 13, 2012, 05:11:10 AM »
You can always get the PCE version for cheap.  It's playable without the translation.
Yeah I got the PCE version for under $20 here. Sorry guys, I tried to get it for under $80, guess it was a pipe dream. Would have raffled the PCE version too if I won...


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2626 on: July 13, 2012, 04:15:55 PM »
I'll pray to the Turbo gods that this copy of DEII doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy.
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2627 on: July 13, 2012, 04:22:15 PM »
I'll pray to the Turbo gods that this copy of DEII doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy.
Its already beyond what I can pay for it. I'm sorry, but $100 is too much for a video game and if I paid anymore than that the wife would murder me in my sleep. :P


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2628 on: July 13, 2012, 04:41:44 PM »
I'll pray to the Turbo gods that this copy of DEII doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy.

Who is "the enemy?" Anyone who is paying top dollar for this is going to be a collector. Yeesh.

That said, I'm very, very, very happy to have my copy of DE2. It is my favorite game on the system (TG16 and TGCD) hands down.
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2629 on: July 13, 2012, 04:59:50 PM »
I'll pray to the Turbo gods that this copy of DEII doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy.
Who is "the enemy?" Anyone who is paying top dollar for this is going to be a collector. Yeesh.

Collectors don't bother me. It's those who pay too much and drive the prices up (which we complain about in nearly every post in this thread).
F@ck Ebay Club member since 2010
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2630 on: July 13, 2012, 07:21:02 PM »
Paying too much is subjective. Maybe they don't mind the higher price and just want the game (to play). There are always two sides of the equation.

For instance, there's this PS1 RPG called Tales of Destiny 2. One week it goes for over $100, a few weeks later there is one auction that sells for $35 complete/shipped. It's a crapshoot!


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2631 on: July 14, 2012, 04:53:35 AM »
Paying too much is subjective. Maybe they don't mind the higher price and just want the game (to play). There are always two sides of the equation.

For instance, there's this PS1 RPG called Tales of Destiny 2. One week it goes for over $100, a few weeks later there is one auction that sells for $35 complete/shipped. It's a crapshoot!

agreed, i had the opportunity to buy ninja gaiden trilogy on snes for $40, but i passed because i felt it was too much for that particular copy (looked like ass on a butt)
but now i look on ebay and ones that are worse are going for 3X that, WTF?!

as for DEII, it's going to be money, and lots of it I paid $200 for mine, and if memory serves, Mati has a copy that he paid about that for.

yeah, i paid a lot, but it was from a regular here and the game is sooooooo much better than #1 imo.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 04:57:28 AM by bartre »

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2632 on: July 14, 2012, 05:07:09 AM »
I'll pray to the Turbo gods that this copy of DEII doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy.

Who is "the enemy?" Anyone who is paying top dollar for this is going to be a collector. Yeesh.

No, it's people who have zero interest in the game to play or as a collectible, who snatch up every game at or below "market value" to artificially shrink supply online, then ransom them for ridiculous BIN prices.

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2633 on: July 14, 2012, 07:36:23 AM »
No, it's people who have zero interest in the game to play or as a collectible....
The definition should end at "play" because collectors also drive up prices. Blaming all of the gouging on other gougers is silly. The number of collectors trying to acquire a complete U.S. set continues to grow despite sky-high prices. Collectors are fully aware of the insane market they're getting into, yet they continue to compete for extremely expensive games and feed the gougers. Basically, any BIN or fixed-priced purchase that's been listed for more than 30 seconds is supporting a gouger. A collector will pay $100+ for the last games in a set, while a gamer will buy a loosy, an import version, or an entirely different game that's more fun.

Obviously, a gamer playing vintage games on original hardware is also part "collector" by default; most of us fall somewhere in-between. And I know someone is going to say "na-uh! I'm a collector and I don't feed the gougers!" Well, pat yourself on the back. A lot of us are holding out for a $100 Magical Chase, but sitting on a pipe dream or "collecting" one new game every two years is a lot different than the legion of active collectors out there.
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2634 on: July 14, 2012, 07:49:55 AM »
People who pay high prices can be gamers looking to PLAY the game. Like if I came across a copy of Beyond Shadowgate for less than $150, I would buy it to play and collect (not to resell).

Sure there are other emulation methods, but what's the fun in that?

Black Tiger

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2635 on: July 14, 2012, 08:22:21 AM »
No, it's people who have zero interest in the game to play or as a collectible....
The definition should end at "play" because collectors also drive up prices. Blaming all of the gouging on other gougers is silly. The number of collectors trying to acquire a complete U.S. set continues to grow despite sky-high prices. Collectors are fully aware of the insane market they're getting into, yet they continue to compete for extremely expensive games and feed the gougers. Basically, any BIN or fixed-priced purchase that's been listed for more than 30 seconds is supporting a gouger. A collector will pay $100+ for the last games in a set, while a gamer will buy a loosy, an import version, or an entirely different game that's more fun.

Obviously, a gamer playing vintage games on original hardware is also part "collector" by default; most of us fall somewhere in-between. And I know someone is going to say "na-uh! I'm a collector and I don't feed the gougers!" Well, pat yourself on the back. A lot of us are holding out for a $100 Magical Chase, but sitting on a pipe dream or "collecting" one new game every two years is a lot different than the legion of active collectors out there.

I was responding to the "enemy" label more than 'what drives stupid prices".

I regularly read posts from insta-collectors who actually brag about grossly overpaying for games. Often the same people will comment elsewhere about being torally oblivious to the most well-knowngames and turn out to be only researching "rare" games for consoles they know very little about. They tend to attempt to flip their "rare" games not long after for more than they overpaid, after the novelty of having them on a shelf wears thin.

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2636 on: July 14, 2012, 09:07:44 AM »
Maybe we should setup a thread on here that other forum members can alert potential buyers (on this forum) of ebay "deals" so that they wont fall into the "wrong" hands. If everyone interested subscribes to this thread, they will be alerted when these deals arise and be able to jump on them. Just a thought...
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2637 on: July 14, 2012, 10:09:13 AM »
Maybe we should setup a thread on here that other forum members can alert potential buyers (on this forum) of ebay "deals" so that they wont fall into the "wrong" hands. If everyone interested subscribes to this thread, they will be alerted when these deals arise and be able to jump on them. Just a thought...
I like this idea.  DEII is a perfect example.  I would have bought it at the BIN price and resold it here for the same cost just to keep it within the PCEngineFX walls.  I didn't know how rare it was, and the BIN got away, but I would have bought it.  Then I could have sold it for $80+trade or something to break even.
I'm busy playing pinball, but I still drop by to visit.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2638 on: July 14, 2012, 10:25:38 AM »
Maybe we should setup a thread on here that other forum members can alert potential buyers (on this forum) of ebay "deals" so that they wont fall into the "wrong" hands. If everyone interested subscribes to this thread, they will be alerted when these deals arise and be able to jump on them. Just a thought...
I like this idea.  DEII is a perfect example.  I would have bought it at the BIN price and resold it here for the same cost just to keep it within the PCEngineFX walls.  I didn't know how rare it was, and the BIN got away, but I would have bought it.  Then I could have sold it for $80+trade or something to break even.

I second that motion. It seems kind of silly this hasn't been done yet. Again, I know if I had the pce counterpart (or the tg16 version) I would raffle it off in a instant. Now to get back to business, I think this qualifies as a gouge: It even has a non original Dungeon Explorer 2 ie burned copy!


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #2639 on: July 14, 2012, 10:37:20 AM »
Yeah, but at least that seller is saying it up-front and it's free. Though you would have to wonder if it (and the other games) has mysteriously brought up the price regardless.