$45 for a dead neoflash cart, but at least it comes with free shipping. It's not all that outrageous of a gouge job, I suppose, but it made me giggle.
I saw this yesterday and I applaud the seller for this sentence in the description:
"Comes complete in original packaging. Please note that I am selling this AS IS because
it does not work 100% of the time."
Notice that nowhere else does he mention that it partially works, works sometimes, works if you stand on one foot, etc.
If the thing doesn't work at all, EVER, which is probably the case, his statement is still accurate. But it sure is misleading. If someone told you "my car doesn't start every time" wouldn't you assume it starts some of the time?
Even if I thought I had repair skills I wouldn't go near this one.
EDIT: My mistake, he does mention that he can't get it working again. Still was quite careful about how he worded that.