What pisses me off is how most local stores that carry old video games use eBay as their sole price guide and in many cases INCRESAE the price a bit. Like a real live BIN or something. "But unlike eBay, you get to take it home today!"
They don't realize if an auction ended at a certain price, that was the MOST somebody was willing to pay for it. Living in rhode island, I really don't care that some douche in San Diego overpaid for something. These people don't realize they aren't exactly getting a national audience browsing their hole in the wall store. No wonder most of these places fail in under a year. They just sit on loads of games because they don't want to accept anything less than what they perceive as fair market. But they complain that they can't move the shit if you try to make a trade with them, and they don't want anything unless it's a total score for them at a dirt cheap price.