You don't bring lulz, argue politics, review games, link deals, research hardware, post trivia, or ask gameplay advice.
bring lulz, argue politics
link deals
review games
research hardware
ask gameplay advice.
Politifact has ranked your post "Pants-on-Fire."
Also, I don't see the people you talk about actually pissing and moaning in this thread. I rarely see Sparky post in here, nor Bernie. I see a circlejerk of assholishness to newbies, which consists mostly of you, Necromancer, and the ever rambling Black Tiger. Like I said, numerous times now, 99% of this forum consists of pretty nice people, I've had some great interactions here. Sparky, I'm sure, disagrees with my points about ebay, but he's certainly been nothing but nice. Necromancer can't handle when I point out his paranoid fantasies about gouging might not be true, to the point that he screams that I must leave his precious thread. Echo chamber was a great description by another assaulted newbie.
All I see from you is a vast sea of negativity. Anyone new getting into turbografx doesn't know enough. Anyone trying to go for a fullset of turbografx is going to sell it 30 seconds after they get it, because they haven't been on the forum forever. You've got this false sense of superiority because you've been into Turbografx longer. Heaven forbid a new person comes along and wants to experience the turbografx, and GASP has money to spend on it. You even admitted you are just a rage-junkie, looking for his next high.
And, taking the bullying? I'm pointing out the stupidity of the bullying from the veterans. I've now had multiple PMs from people saying "Don't feel beat up, veterans are bullies." Well, guess what, I don't. You are too much of an angry little man to actually care what you say. My ex called it "Short man syndrome." Its fun just to point out the way you are talking from your ass. Its most funny, because you, Necromancer, and BlackRambler have resorted to
ad hominem because you can't defend the actual points about "gouging."
I've shot myself in the foot? Not a single person who I've ACTUALLY dealt with gives a shit about me standing up to you and Necromancer. Your post has absolutely no basis in the real world. Hanging on your every word? I don't know how to buy? Ebay illiterate? These are pretty funny baseless attacks. Where do you get this bullshit?
And sadly, probably my best contribution to the turbografx community, my tool assisted speedruns, got no love.
I did a f*cking 5-player Dungeon Explorer run by myself. No one even bothered to watch, or asked how I did that.
Here's a tip, stop being a dick to every new person. Oh, and do some research before you post, otherwise politifact will get you.
As a new member, this should be the point in your collecting career when you're buying lots and selling extras.
Really? Way to dictate how I do my business. Oh wait, I'm closer than you think to a fullset