Author Topic: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )  (Read 176861 times)


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3450 on: October 24, 2012, 11:05:22 AM »


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3451 on: October 24, 2012, 11:12:27 AM »

You don't like it?  Then get the f*ck out and start your own thread about how there's no such thing as gouging.

How many times must I say this?!?

No thanks. Until someone with authority actually speaks, I'll continue to point out the stupidity of terms like "self-gouging," and the blatant hypocrisy in this thread. Last I checked, you weren't king of this forum, and general forum etiquette does not say that "the topic starter gets to dictate exactly what is posted in an open thread." You sound like a petulant child, and because he isn't getting his way, will pack up his toys and take them home so the other children can't play with them. Stop acting like you own this thread, because you don't. 

Also, I think it is necessary for a sane voice to be in here, because there seems to be a handful of users that can only can cuss and name call at newbies, which is not good for any forum. I doubt the actual moderators and owners want the old timers constantly screaming at new members of the community, scaring them off.

nullity, don't worry, this juvenile "MY THREAD MY THREAD" activity is not an indicator of normal activity here, and I've had some great interactions with people here who don't act this way. Not surprisingly, the handful of users who piss and moan about "gougers" are also the ones jumping on every deal, and not offering any of their own.

dude you are 100% right. Don't worry about the clowns in this thread. This is the place for them to bitch and moan because they can't have certain games. I sell Turbob games on ebay for hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars and I am proud of it.

I even have the same people from this thread actually buy my games for crazy money because they can't and never will find these games anywhere else.

Necromancer, you are a piece of shit. GTFO please. We are sick and tired of your whining you bitch!

Ebay is the best place to find video games, period! Your stupid local stores have garbage and your dumbarse flea market trips are worthless because you find a turbo game there like what? once a year if you are lucky?

I hope Ebay prices keep going up, this is what makes video games collectables. If everything was dirt cheap then there would be no such thing as collecting.

This thread is f*ckin fail!!!! 

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3452 on: October 24, 2012, 11:29:15 AM »
I have seen the awesomeness of FiftyQuid, turboswimzz, professorprofessorson, you, and etc. I have not seen this from Vestcoat or Necromancer. I've only seen them on the assault. I've not been here extremely long, so in the past, they may have been very generous. However, I don't believe previous generosity should enable carte blanche to attack people you disagree with.  
Sorry you weren't aware of my sales. And again, don't throw the first stone when you've done nothing.

This conversation started because I defended a seller who ended his auction EARLY, to sell LOWER, and STILL he was called a gouger, simply because people didn't like the price others are bidding. The only defense put forward was "We have a f*ck EBAY club." Oh, and DarkKobold sucks was the other defense.
Hey idiot: I didn't disagree with you. You're right - Bardoly was taking a fairly extreme stance. All I said is that adults don't need a self-righteous lecture on the definition of "price". Then you hurled accusations of stinginess and I pointed out that you suck. Good times.
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3453 on: October 24, 2012, 11:34:42 AM »
I have seen the awesomeness of FiftyQuid, turboswimzz, professorprofessorson, you, and etc. This conversation started because I defended a seller who ended his auction EARLY, to sell LOWER, and STILL he was called a gouger, simply because people didn't like the price others are bidding. The only defense put forward was "We have a f*ck EBAY club." Oh, and DarkKobold sucks was the other defense.

I'm not denying there are legitimate gougers. However, calling anyone who posts an auction for a rare game a gouger is just misdirected anger.

I like you Sparky, you seem like a genuinely nice guy. I don't like the concept of your club. It inspires hostility towards any person who uses ebay, for either selling or buying. It also removes any chance of legitimate debate, as it gives an "Us vs. them" mentality, which just exacerbates this hostility.

you read into things way to much man as people are generally speaking here even read the rules of the f-ebay club, You can use ebay if you have common sense, and i think one of those comments taht stirred you up came from BigusSchmuck and he is not even a member of the f-ebay club. You sound like lawyer.
Am I wrong for thinking paying $200+ is too much for a game? Its just my opinion and thats it. You can laugh and hoot at me all you want, but even in the 90s when I saw a $200 price tag on Neo Geo games I thought even back then that was extreme. This thread has been derailed enough for one day I think.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3454 on: October 24, 2012, 11:36:46 AM »
double post
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3455 on: October 24, 2012, 11:40:30 AM »
DK is perfectly welcome to take his army of supporters and pontificate in a new thread where he can tell me to GTFO. In an effort to bury the hatchet, I'll even offer some subject titles that may appeal to him:
*Reseller Public Relations Think Tank
*The TurboGrafx: a Return on Your Investment
*Exploiting Communities for the Free Market
*The Mythology of Market Manipulation
*Is This a Good Deal?
*Help Me Fix My Stuff.
*Dungeon Explorer II: is it awesome or is it awesome? We think it's ALL THREE.
*The Meaning of "Price": a Closer Look.

I LOLed.  Quite a bit, actually.

Oh god, I don't need people like this defending me...

Why not?  He only said what you're thinking...



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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3456 on: October 24, 2012, 12:36:30 PM »
Yeah sorry Nintega someone called out TurboKid as you before you even made a single post. Funny stuff though. I don't think anyone is paying you top dollar for any of your scratched up dirty loose hu cards. You're just jealous cause you aren't in our special club!
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3457 on: October 24, 2012, 12:50:03 PM »
this thread is to talk shit about those pricing shit high. there will always be someone willing to buy it, what the smart guys should do is make repro games and take the mystique outta some of this shit. i see it all the time with VW parts....and you folks calling out high prices due to "rarity" yeah you can go get f*cked! because im not buying.
I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the f*cking car.


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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3458 on: October 24, 2012, 01:49:28 PM »
Wait wait wait!  What the hell?  Turbo gouging?  On ebay?  WTF?  New(ish) members defending free market?   :?  What does it all mean? :?:

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3459 on: October 24, 2012, 02:01:21 PM »

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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3460 on: October 25, 2012, 05:55:14 AM »
this thread is to talk shit about those pricing shit high. there will always be someone willing to buy it, what the smart guys should do is make repro games and take the mystique outta some of this shit. i see it all the time with VW parts....and you folks calling out high prices due to "rarity" yeah you can go get f*cked! because im not buying.

I would def like to start repop'ing games.  Most of us here agree we just want to play it not really collect it.  Unfortunately I dont know how to go about it.  

ys 1&2 for 55.00?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 06:07:26 AM by tggodfrey »
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Games currently in play:
PS3: COD Ghosts
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Re: Turbo Gouging on Ebay ( r.i.p. - gouging much )
« Reply #3462 on: October 25, 2012, 06:36:27 AM »
this thread is to talk shit about those pricing shit high. there will always be someone willing to buy it, what the smart guys should do is make repro games and take the mystique outta some of this shit. i see it all the time with VW parts....and you folks calling out high prices due to "rarity" yeah you can go get f*cked! because im not buying.

I would def like to start repop'ing games.  Most of us here agree we just want to play it not really collect it.  Unfortunately I dont know how to go about it. 

ys 1&2 for 55.00?

I can do better:


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