What a f*cking douchebag! http://www.ebay.com/itm/290814084215?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
I don't get this listing at all. He's asking $75, but then calling out sealed game collectors and people that use the word RARE all the time? So he just put it up for show?
From the look of it, he is mocking these forums, or agreeing with them. He makes reference to the seller I was bitching about. (FINAL LISTING!)
I will take the money and buy up more inflated prices TG16 games and resell them even higher for a good ol fashion gamer raping!
This is what makes me feel like he reads these forums, and is mocking them.
Anyway, this seems like a prank, not a legit listing. It only costs $0.05 to make a joke bullshit listing, which clearly met its intention by pissing one person off. Granted, that particular person has a pretty low threshold for being pissed off.