Seeing as I am a top-rated seller, and he isn't, ebay might give my reporting more weight.
This made me .. eBay cares for no seller.
Eh, there is some belief that Top-Rated sellers don't get their reproduction carts pulled, while non-TRS sellers do get repro auctions pulled.
But yeah, I'll agree, Ebay usually tells sellers to sit n' spin, when in regards to buyers.
Like I said, that wasn't all about that one resale. Why do you think he bought a game and resold it? Because he bought it to play and then accidentally listed it on eBay? This wasn't his only resale ever. He has probably invested $1000 in copies of Soldier Blade and sold $3000+ in Soldier Blade sales. He didn't lose $10 on Soldier Blade, he has netted thousands.
He didn't buy it for $25 and accidentally let it go (if the high bidder wasn't just an alias) for $24. He bought it at an expensive price and added another overpriced sale to eBay's history. That helps keep perceived value high, not drive it down. Especially with all of the people like you who treat low sale prices as anomolies and top end prices as average market value.
He is also maintaining his monopoly on Turbo games. He stopped a "rare" game from being sold from someone else. People don't visit eBay stores like hit japan because they rarely have PCE games in stock. Uncommon Turbo games are much harder to stock and the only way to keep a steady supply is by buying everything up from everyone else.
People like plcards make a name for themselves within narrowminded insta collection communities where oblivious people think nothing of how some sellers managed to stock SO many supposedly super R@RE
impossible to find games and assume that the asking prices must be what they're worth.
Ok, first of all, I'm in no way defending him. I think he is a piece of shit that is bidding his own items up, and doing basically a fake reserve.
However, I'm trying to dispel you of your paranoid delusion that this is some grandeur plan to keep TG prices high. For some reason, you think that Legend of Hero Tonma being listed for $25 on eBay for a grand total of 30 seconds defines the price? No. Someone like plcards sees it as an opportunity to flip it for a quick buck. He isn't thinking of some grand conspiracy to keep the price inflated; he sees it as $75 in his pocket for minimal work. Its called BIN snipping.
I have a friend who basically babysits a network, so he keeps a window open with new eBay BINs refreshing every 5 seconds. He's made a lot of money and added awesome stuff to his collection by buying low-priced BINs, parting out what he wants, and reselling the stuff for higher. Is he part of some evil network that intends to keep video game prices high? No. He just wants a quick buck, to support his own collecting hobby. He sees a gap between what a BIN is listed for, and what he knows of previous pricing. No conspiracy, just easy money.
People on NintendoAge do this all the damn time: was adequate reason for plcards to believe he'd make a shit ton reselling a boxed soldier blade: he didn't. He lost $12. It wasn't some grand conspiracy to keep the price high. He f*cked up in his estimate of what he'd make. Maybe he forgot to have one of his shill accounts buy it, or maybe he thought he was secure enough in its ending price, with last minute snipers.
In short, there is no grand conspiracy. PLCARDS. f*ckED. UP. Lost $12.