For lots of people it is. The rarest games don't go up for sale often on forums and for a lot of people sites like Craigslist or local flea markets hardly ever have anything at all.
No, it's not. I agree that thrift stores are no longer worth the effort, but going back to the lazy-people accusations, anyone who shops exclusively on ebay is lazy. It's usually slim pickings, but I get the best deals on half, amazon, ecrater, estarland, gamedude, google shopping, and a handful of old-school online euro vendors these days, all of which of easily accessible to any slob on the internet. If someone
really wants a game, they need to get off their ass and be proactive. And I don't mean crossposting WTB spam on twenty different forums. They need to join gametz, establish themselves at a couple forums, take their time, and get to know people by contributing something to the scene (fix stuff, scan stuff, trade stuff, do an interview, research something, write, etc.). Rare games still sell on forums, but it's usually done without a FS posting.
If you want to spend less than $350, you basically have to obsessively check ebay every 30 seconds for an entire year.
Rare turbo games still auction below the going rate once or twice a year. There's no need to refresh a browser everyday. I don't get this growing belief that new BINs are the only good deals on ebay.